this is one of the perks of being a mom?
hehehehe... receiving sweet surprises like this?
siap got badge lagi "Bestest Mummy" which i was supposed to wear when i received this card from this woman, asking me to wear in office. siao meh! hahaha... i will wear it when i see you end of this month ok? can't wait to see you!
though it reached me like few weeks later, it was most welcomed by me. last year i received one too, total out of the blue. never expect to get a card... haha! my fren the sotong is so cute!
hi..girl... greetings from IPOH... so u got the best award.. hahaha..congrats... sweetest gift from our own kids is a bliss!
ei? how many anaks u have?
What a cute card. Your friend is so sweet and thoughtful.
Hi, Being a mom is one of the highest salaried jobs in any field, since the payment is pure love.
You keep well and have a pleasant week, best regards, Lee.
merryn :: wat how many anaks i have? haha... 1 only lah! Syin is lil missy's godma, my bestie, and Jeremy is Syin's boyfren :)
Hello Irene, I once knew a very beautiful lady same name as yours.
I will be posting a story about her tomorrow.
Drop by if free.
Best regards, Lee.
Lil Missy's godma is so sweet. Give card on behalf of lil missy.
OIC! LOL... so nice to have a godma...
You have a very nice friend... sotong or not that one I don't know.. but nice la.. :P
so sweet of your friend, every year never fail to sent you a card. :)
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