(pic from the world wide web)
lil missy has been good, besides the constipation problem which is driving us up the dinding. after some hoo-haa from bbsitter, my parents, my ILs, things are settling down, all bcos of the poopie which doesn't wanna come out. who knows a poop can cause such stir in our mundane life. wat the *toot* man! phew... mission not accomplish yet with the poopie, i need to invite poopie to come out more often, so been very rajin squashing oranges for lil missy to drink, papaya-ing, honey-ing, ribena-ing, calcium-ing, all the healthy stuff la... tried the prune-ing, but mciam like want her life like that, have to force it on her. walaoeh.
updated :: we even brought her to see paedi, also those chinese doc at those chinese medicine shop, both said give more water, fruits... bla bla bla bla...
as for work, suck. sien. boring. what else is new. it pays the bills. so i just gotta suck it up & work. im really hoping for something better to come along. im praying hard. im hoping there is a light by end of the tunnel. i don't want to be dead, i just want a better light. yoooorrr... im talking crap here. sieeeeeen ah! nevertheless, im still a crazee woman, still smiling & striving cus by end of the day, i got a family to go home too, a lil missy to chase for hugs & kisses, a hubs to bully, a supportive parents, a cool brother, cool ILs and great friends among me.... aaaaaaaaaaaw!
*hugs hugs* to u..
i like ur last sentence "by end of the day, i got a family to go home too, a lil missy to chase for hugs & kisses, a hubs to bully, a supportive parents, a cool brother, cool ILs and great friends among me.... aaaaaaaaaaaw! "
makes me wanna have that..;p
Oh..your lil missy doesn't like the prune juice huh. The prune juice really works for Gwen.
Hope your sorrows will ease away soon. Cheer up OK. :D
wei, ur lil missy always get constipated lah! kesian.. but glad u have a great family power n friends there! something not many of us have!
hi missy... life is such.. no challenges, no excitment but then i think both of us are not looking for that...
as yr blog topic says, simple life...
each day we wake up still breathing and kicking, that is all that counts..
God Bless!!
challenges make a person stronger and wiser :) if the little one still has problem with the constipation after all that you have done, perhaps it's better to see a doc :)
oh my brat also got pangsai problem! same like yours. he like so damn scared of pangsai sampai i also dont know what to do.
hey, today i msn hweili and she said she keep in touch with some other mommy too and one of them is irene. is it you? w
Y no "ding ding" me ger??? Hope u're ok? ((hug))
About constipation, last time Fearles also got the same problem, he got one time record, 5 days no pangsai, bring him to see doctor, doc insert something to his bum bum, very fast got poopie come out, but cannot use that very often. I give him papaya that time, everytime after he eat papaya, he will do the big biz, then doc also advice give him some glucose. I think dragon fruit is good also. Now Fearles is getting better. Maybe they got "heaty" body.
Cheer up, friend..*hugs* to u.
Hey, could it be the milk powder she's drinking...i heard some of them are quite heaty one. Anyway, try adding some honey into her prune juice....taste sweeter so perhaps she'll like it.
maybe the sitter is not giving her enough water throughout the day? i'm just guessing cos with all those fruits and juice you are giving her...plus the chinese meds...krystal's constipation should be better right?
hope all the sien-ness goes away soon! mc
ur gal looks so cute.
Long time din c lil Missy liao, n she seemed to hv grown up a lot! Anyway, life's full of ups n downs ya. Amidst all this, vy glad that u're still that crazee girl we know. kekeke
you've got a great life...and you're a great mum! of course now an then we will come acrosss some bumps...but that's life! who ever says life is fair?
i often dont complain much but i try to distress myself at times so it wont lead me to depression!
take good care of your health as well besides taking care of others!
hope lil missy's constipation prob has solved :-)
hey...hope things r getting better!! i'm sure there's always an open window if not door that awaits you...so hang on, give moral support to each other during this difficult time!!
as for missy poopie...no other remedies will be better than fluid & more fluid, continue to be rajin bit lor, hehe
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