she was nibbling on popcorns & she wanted to hold the whole bucket herself, seeing her lil cousin sis doing it too. kids... then we feed her corn in the cup, then water... the she went oooo... aaaaaahhh... then she asked for pillow & chut2 and before u know it, she was in la la land in no time, halfway thru the movie. hahahaha... the cinema was full of kids, it was so nice... so cosy.
so after the movie, we were giggling to ourselves, thats it lah, we can go cinema everyweek now! muahahahahaha... i called my mom & told her, she said... ya lah, this one cartoon mah, takkan u wanna bring her watch transformers meh? hehe... yes mommy, im bringing lil missy to TRANSFORMERS !!!!
way to go... girl...
wow.. u know wat this meant? freedom to go cinema as u wish!!! fuiyo, i dah lama tak pergi cinema, man! since like.. 2 years?
i have yet to bring my Ivan for his 1st cinema outing. but then, we can still go for movies during weekdays :P at least for this year!
Wow...your lil missy so good gal lah. Transformers? Good LUck..hehehe.
am thinking of bringing my kids to watch this movie. was it scary???
haha..transformer, i'm going too..
Hi Irene, 'Transformers'? What movie is that?
My last movie was 'Memoirs of a Geisha'.
You have fun, don't forget the popcorn, Lee.
Hmm... sounds easy, if she naps. One of these days, we oso wanna try...
lucky you!! i am dying to watch some movies but still stuck at home with DVDs:(
is she allowed to enter the cinema to watch transformers?
well i hv not been to the cinema for 19 mths already!!! since my daughter is born...was hoping to bring her there but dont thk she can sits still yet...*sigh*
btw, bcos of u, i watch "twilight" and was truly mesmerised by the leading actor...such a hunk! robert pattinson is SO hot!
wah....i never step into cinema for soooooooooooooooooo long. i dont even know what are the latest offerings!!! maybe time for me to bring philip... but bet he will fall asleep la..
good job krystal. i think ashley won't like it in the cinema :D
We watched monsters vs aliens around 2 weeks ago, and I gotta tell u wawa love that movie. He sit still and watch through the whole movie. :) And we just watched terminator salvation on Wed. Haha, so damn siok kan if the kids behave well in cinema.. :D
that was cute of yr lil missy!! such a bliss for u it seems heh. probably she's still little & the dark plus cooling atmosphere r too good not to sleep, hahaha
Lucky you.
I brought Zara to watch Ratatouile when she was ~3.. and she complained dark la.. loud la.. and nvr wanted to go back to the cinema. :-|
That was great! I am still waiting for my chance to bring my little Sethy for a show :)
Now, you can go to the cinema every week! How nice *envious*
Maybe the loud loud noise of Transformers will be more conducive for your little Missy's nap!
is the show nice and is it still showing??
U'll nvr know if u din try. Now u can go enjoy movies in the cinema with Krys. If it's a show not suitable for her, u can watch it ard her naptime.
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