we went back to melaka over the weekend cus hubs has some stuff to attend to, if not i probably would attend Chin Nee's TTDI picnic. sigh. anyway... we had a good dinner out with my dad sempena father's day. i even bought him a card, which i hidden under his laptop, and when he saw it, he was grinning, according to mom. my dad, a man with few words... haha... as long as he is happy, im happy :)
we went over to Sibaraku, a japanese restaurant over in Mahkota Parade for dinner. me, hubs, lil missy, mom & dad, minus my brother, whom is at war over in MMU, cyberjaya... next time bro, i will bring u there again. nice place, nice ambience, and cute looking chef! hahaha!

came back fairly early to KL, clean a bit and got ready to go over to fren's house for a bit of "satay celup & BBQ dinner". stuffed ourself good again. cialat liao lar, this week have to cut on eating man. been eating like nobody's biz for pass 2 days! omg! have to rilek a bit on those eating and make way for this weekend as sotong is back in town! just got off the phone with her, and i can't wait to see this best fren of mine! gosh, miss her so much! and with her being back, another makan spree!
That's very sweet of you to hide a card under the laptop :) Happy father's day to your dad and hubs!
i love your blog's new look :D
Sure sounds like a great celebration eh? Your dad must be very very happy...and so is the lil' missy :D
ya lor, Sue told me u went back. Must come join us next round, it was FUN!
so flirt lil missy with her sunnies! ur dad ada laptop ah? wow, hi tech! :D
hi irene...drop by your blog few days ago but couldnt leave a comment...something was wrong i thk...
but am i glad it's alrite now!
hope it's not too late to wish ur dad and hubby a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
see that you guys had a BLASTING celebration :-)
Haha... at one glance, i thought she was sitting on a stool (with a cloth over it). Good balancing skill, eh ;-)
Your new header looks nice! Wow, u guys had great fun, ya...and your dad looks vy young leh :)
Aww...so sweet of you to get yr Dad a card. Your lil missy is so cute with the sunnies..hehe..COOL. Eh..KL got satay celup kah? Or yr fren make one?
Maybe lil missy was mesmerised by cute looking chef. That's y so well-behaved? hahaha... jes kidding.
i miss Japanese food :(
wah cheeky u sneak card under his laptop LOL
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