she is more vocal now, singing everytime while we are in the car, to her ABCs, all the usual kid's songs and this... LINKIN PARK! can you beat that? all the daddy's fault lah... i tell you, i really wanna strangle my hubs, for introducing those rock songs to lil missy. each time we got in the car, she will request for songs by linkin park. then she will take her guitar, and start shaking her head & shout along with the songs. wahpiang eh. sei mmm sei u tell me lah! arrrghhh!
and you see lah... what she does everynite before sleeps, before her reading... see la, no eye see!
last but not least... wishing my dear daddy, my hubs & all the great dads out there...

Hahaha, so sweet.. the bonding between daddy and his girl :)
HN no worries lah, she will be vy girly when start school, mine was a tomboy too, didn't even want to wear skirt now she's ok.
btw, nice template
i guess its ok. leave papa n her their bonding time. u dont worry much..
Wishing Kel a Happy Father's day..
Perfect bonding of father n little girl.
Hehe.. Happy Father's Day to ur ang. I also forgot today is Father's Day.
Let both of them have some fun, ok ;)
Wah, she enjoys Linkin Park? Let's rock!
Same thing happens in my house, Dad and daughter will wrestle on the bed and she started jumping non-stop on the bed recently......... sigh.....
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