remember i went for tea time over at palace of golden horses in January tiz year? on the same day, i also went to mcdonalds to put in my reservation for lil missy's birthday party in march. and now... we ARE in march! hehehe... kiasu-leh this mommy. booked the place 2 months ahead. no lar, not kiasu, but excited. then THE DAY came. all said & done. i really thank GOD that all went smoothly on the celebration day, it even rained so heavily rite after most of our frens left the venue. phew!
i invited fellow mommy bloggers as i don't really have frens with kids. most of them are in melaka, and some whom i lost touch with. so my current group of mommies are these mommies i know thru blogging. rachel, sue sue @ cookingmomster, merryn & hwei li. so happy that i meet wonderful frens over in blogging world. i really DO WANT to invite more blogger frens but the venue really doesn't permit me to do so.

all enjoying the SR choc cake &
i hope the kids enjoyed themselves as well as their parents. i try to play a good host to everyone on that day, hope i did not missed out anyone. i was really stressed... phew.... cold sweat.
lil missy was exhausted by the time we went home. she did not have her afternoon nap, she did not take her milk also. she was playing the whole day, she zonked out at 8pm. then she woke up around 10pm plus to play with her birthday toys & continue sleeping few hours after that right up to the next morning. we were all really tired but happy this lil party went well.
THANK YOU all who came, for the lovely gifts, the ang paos & the wishes.
ooo...i recognise that dress...hehehe...glad that everything went smoothly, after you've been so kanchiong-ing spider about it...oh, j says happy birthday to krys :)
Happy belated birthday to Krys. :D
let me know if ur princess like the present...if not we tukar adult u can be happy also hor... *j/k*
happy birthday (belated) to lil missy... and wow, she really had a great time ya.. :D
Also, can I guess if the Elmo is from Merryn ah? this lady / Ethan bit Elmo freak de wor.. :p
Happy Belated Birthday, Krystal :D
Thanks for the great party and the party pack. We all first time attending such an event *paiseh*
@cynthia - No leh.. I tak bagi hadiah leh.. I bagi red packet jer.. hahaha.. If got Elmo, I keep it all to myself! That's how selfish I am.. hahahaha..
Irene.. great party :D
Happy b'day Krystal. Sure you enjoyed yourself so much that day.
Terry also sang her a birthday song after browsing the pics from Facebook. Indeed you have gave Krys a great birthday party...this can tell from the guests face..
Eh, suddenly I look back at the pics, I realized I dressed like Ronald McDonald LOL! Should've brought along a curly red wig haha!
wah so nice...happy birthday Krystal
Hapie Belated Birthday to lil Missy.
The cupcakes are awesome..must tasted good
Wah... meriah-nyer! How I wish I was there. :( Btw, Sue's cupcakes vy d cantik lah.
Happy Belated birthday to Krys. :)
Happy belated birthday little cutie!~
So lil missy name is Krystal lar? :p
Anyway happy belated BD to her.
happy 3rd birthday to Krystal!! mchyl
Happy Belated Birthday Krystal ! Wah...... so many pressies.
Happy belated birthday to you Krystal!
what a great party!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY again to the lil missy *muaks*
Happy Birthday Krystal!!
Happy Belated Birthday to Krystal ....
Happy Belated Krsytal...
Wow.. so many presents hor?
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