i was chatting with my group of girlfrens, our normal nite conference via msn. then the topic of cartoons came up. coincidentally today, mixfm was discussing about cartoons nowadays vs cartoons those days. my favourites are the below, might want search for these & introduce to lil missy

la la la la la la... hehe...
what's your favourite cartoons eh?
Those days My Little Pony was not around yet...haha.
I like Thunder Cats and Smurfs too. Transformers was one of my fav cartoons too.
Aaa..I like care bears and smurf too! And influence by my brother, I watch Ultraman too! haha...those were the days.
Thundercats, my favourite!
remember Jem & the Holograms? that's my fav!
Oh..that's mine old time favourites.
My fav is Care Bears...
CARE BEARS of coz!!! Care Bears!!!!!!!!!
Yeah! I watched these too when I was young. :p
SMURFS!!! I miss this cartoon so much! Got DVD that we can buy ar? Care Bears oso nice but not all those boys cartoons ler (to me)
Love the Care bear, it simply sweet..what about the Popeye the Sailor Man? One of my fav too..
Care Bears!! I have the whole collection of the stickers those days!! :D
Mine was Care Bear and Smurfs
Thunder... Thunder... Thundercats! :)
LOL... My Little Pony, Care Bears, Thundercats and Smurf... I love Thundercats the most, cuz my dad used to watch if with me! LMAO! Thunder, thunder, thundercats, hooooooo!
my favourite is Smurf!
Now got the mou-lei-tau Sponge Bob, and Ben Ten..
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