im always lousy in title-ing my blog post. entah la, my england not so good wan. i only hantam when i blog. no wonder nobody want to let me do paid post lar. aiyah, what to do. no luck lor. hehe...
we went out for yamcha session with 3 of my cousin sisters & 2 little nephews of mine. hubs was the IT engineer for the nite. 2 laptops & 1 ifon to rectify. hehehehe... one of my cousin sister will be flying off to cambodia for work, so i thought we meet tonite before she fly to cambodia. i wish my cousin sister, a good year ahead & a safe trip over there.
as usual, my lil missy was naughty. behtahan! sigh... i recently got a comment from a fren, telling me "wah, u never teach your daughter wan ar?" crap rite? he also have a daughter whom is a month older than my lil missy. i will blog about that in another post. keksim only. sien.
anyway, tonite was a good nite. to be able to meet & chat about everything & anything under the sun & the moon. with the kids running around, sometimes sitting around on ifon. haih... kids nowadays, so attached to gadgets. whose fault? parents lor... sigh!

3 little cousins

very into the games

the gang for the nite
today i also went & burnt a deep hole in my wallet. sigh. i start to realise that the freckles on my face is getting more obvious by the day. skII, clarins, l'occitane, all i went look see, wahseh, too expensive for me & i don't want to spend that kind of amount. my daily routine of face care is cleanser & moisturizer. that's about it. no eye cream, no night cream, no eye lifting, no whatsoever. so after bugging annie on her regime, i went to skinfood & got the above. the reason why i bug annie is cuz i see she has really fair & nice complexion. lenglui lor. i also want. vain rite? have to jaga a bit already, if not when i get older, kenot save the face already, so i better start now. gotta be hardworking man... cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer & sunblock lotion everyday! step 1-5! omg!