passed just likethat. i tell u, time flies, they do. another blink, it will be Raya holidays soon. woohoo! we headed back to good 'ol Malacca onceagain. nothing much, just spend some quiet time with my parents & see them spoil lil missy. hehe... as usual, yummy-licious home cooked food. waaa-weee! and i actually whack 2 bowl of rice. can't remember when was the last time i eat like tat! sei mou. sei fei por soon. i can feel thepants getting tighter. sigh. but the food. is. oh. so. nice. kenot help it. some more mom did her terror sambal udang, adohai... kenot close one eye leh!
then we finally let lil missy play in this plastic pool we bought from Giant. my dad has to manual pump the whole thing as his electric air compressor went kaput after the 1st round. we even try to drive this plastic pool over to the petrol station for air, but realised kenotpump thru it cus the hole doesn't fit. so back to using the manual pump. poor dad, for the love of his grandchild. hehe.
Hi Irene, was at Andrewjune's place noticed your callsign, and knew an Irene long ago, so busybody over. Wow! You in Trengganu? I have always loved Trengganu....used to love holiday at Tanjong Jara, go fishing at Pulau Kapas very often. Quite a few of my postings about Trengganu too.... hard to beat the beautiful moonlight nights there, ha ha. Love your pics, and you have a beautiful kid too. You keep well and have a nice day, Lee. can show-off your mom's cooking edi lar...hehehe nice food everywhere in melacca, how to resist... aiyo..take d pool all d way to petrol station, chi sin chor...
Hi, first time popping over to your blog.
Your lil missy is so cute!!
Oh yea, you're not alone. I whack 2 bowls of rice too!! I love rice alot... a farn thong!
Hi Irene, was at Andrewjune's place noticed your callsign, and knew an Irene long ago, so busybody over.
Wow! You in Trengganu?
I have always loved Trengganu....used to love holiday at Tanjong Jara, go fishing at Pulau Kapas very often.
Quite a few of my postings about Trengganu too....
hard to beat the beautiful moonlight nights there, ha ha.
Love your pics, and you have a beautiful kid too.
You keep well and have a nice day, Lee.
Nothing beats mom's homecooked food. :) Yr lil missy so 'guai' can sit quietly on the shopping trolley.
aiyo sei much food at your blog. i'm so hungry lah!!!!!
Wah, manual pump the whole pool! You're keng!
i like the pool design but too small for my kids. got bigger size one?
Wah...SIEW YOKE!!! Must go hunt for SIEW YOKE now!!!
Ur mom's luring u with the yummilicious food so that u'll bring their precious granddaughter home to visit them more often. :) can show-off your mom's cooking edi lar...hehehe
nice food everywhere in melacca, how to resist...
aiyo..take d pool all d way to petrol station, chi sin chor...
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