lil missy is down with fever again. it has been a normal thing for us now since she has started kindy + daycare earlier this year. seems like both of me & daddy is immune to this scenario, but i would be lying if i tell you, we are not worried sick, who wouldn't isn't it?her fever was so high up to 39.6c and i always freak and i think more wrinkles are coming out. then at night, i would wind my alarm to wake up every 2 hours to check on her. she would be sleeping in the middle of us, daddy will be holding her hand, and somehow my leg will be touching hers, just to get a feel of her temperature. on our bedside table, lies the ear thermometer waiting to be used every half an hour, i hope it doesn't go KO soon, as it has been giving us a peace of mind each time we uses it. sigh. tell me which parents haven't gone thru the above scenario? it's all part of the parcel when we sign up for a kid -_-
... but still fever please don't come every month! each time u come by i feel like dying, zombie-fied and my mind can't think straight. doc said as long as she is active, don't worry, but even said that, we will be, cus you will see her cute lil faces filled up with red blushes, so red it sparkle, cus of high fever! dammit!
fever fever go away, i want my super-
noty-cheeky girl
back to her normal self!
Speedy recovery to Krystal!! I understand how you feel. It is just soooooooooooo worrying right??? Hang on there Irene!!
aiyo...fever again ah. Time to boost up her immune system la
get well soon krystal :)
Aiyo..kesian lil missy. Hope she recovers soon.
drink more fruit juices... grandmother used to say.. kids get fever means they are growing... :)
it's liddat lar.. they need some time before stabilizing and adapting to preschool
make sure she gets vitamins, enough liquids and sleep.
how's she now? hope the fever goes off already!
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