uwaaaaaaaaaa... our poor tevee doesn't wanna be switched ON... the fella donwan respond to us leh, and the lil missy been pestering "i wan elmo... ON elmo... where elmo..." poor lil missy, poor parents of hers. adoi, when the tevee was alive, don't wanna watch, now tevee RIP already, pulak i wanna watch. sob sob.
this tevee of ours was a present from our friends when we 1st move in to our lil apartment 5 years ago. and now... it has gone to heaven. hubs gonna try to bring it to the shop to have it fix, hopefully can fix ler, if not, we have to watch our shows on the lil tevee stored somewhere between my junks in my room. uwaaaaaaaaaaa...
ooohhh.....that is the WORST appliance to break down.
Alamak, really difficult to survive without a TV leh...
got reason to upgrade to a more canggih one mah.........
For a moment, I thot your tv really got smashed up like that... I think it's better to get a new one. It's not cheap to repair it. Summore, it might not even last!
Irene, you sure your tv gone to heaven and not hell? With all the porn you've been watching, i guarantee it went to hell lah! LOL...
Merryn :: OMG woman, sanggup engkau iyer... mangkok!
Old one gotta go to make way for a new one. :)
hahahhahaha, that merryn comment so funny!!!!
ya wor, now we really hard to "survive" without a tv! Hope your tv "speedy recovery"!!
life is pretty bored and "empty" without the idiot box ehhh?
hope you got it fixed already!
nvm use pc to watch dvd kekeke
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