since lil missy came along, shouting & karate-ing has become a normal thingy in our small home. i always salute the super mommies with full time job, still can "bento", cook superb meals & do wonderful things with 2-3 kids everyday & be a loving spouse.
how do you survive the everyday?
how to you go to work & come back home & deal with the things at home?
i think i just gotta be patient & cool about things. learn to let go... wahpiang eh, blood boiling how the hell to let go u tell me. omg. sometimes when this noty missy is good, i feel like i have the perfect life.

chill...u'll get used to it n learn to worries...just less sleep..hahahaa
haiyoh, barely surviving and barely breathing lor !!! stumbled exhausted to bed everynight !! I dowan to wake up at 6 every morning fix bento get kids ready for school and draft causepapers. can someone gimme numbers to a winning lottery ticket?!!! haha
i also pening la...
sometimes i want to run away..but then ng sek tak leave baby..
i guess we just hv to encourage each other and tahan tahan...breath in breath out, breath in, breath out :p
Hi, me with two rascal here more teruk lehh..
I think no mom will balance between career , being mom and being wife perfectly. Like it or not it will not be as "balanced" or "perfect" like we want it to be.
I think I just let my self be less perfect, learn not to care too much for certain things ( meaning : learn to accept the never clean floor, clutters), and be half deaf...when the girls are pulling each other hair and pinching each other. ( yes my girls are like that!!!! )
I wish I can hypnotize them sometimes, when I REALLY need a time off....
SLEEEEEP SLEEEEEP ( echo voice) .....
hmm....what a nice life if I can do that just for 10 mins in the afternoon.
dont worry, you'll get by. btw blogging is one good stress buster
I oso same lah. One kid already want to pengsan...i guess it comes with practice ... when No.2 and No.3 comes along.
BTW, i like yur blog layout.
I should let me GF see this post.... Hahaha... panicking her a bit.
Take it easy. Think positive. :) Your lil missy is so cute ler. She is just acting her age. She will be easier to manage when she is a bit older. Hang in there. :)
hi there, i like your blog:) i also only have one diva, and before her hardly ever lost my temper-maybe once in 5 every other day i am scolding!
with your cute missy smiling back at can you not having such a blissful life? hahaha...minus the mischievious and cheeky acts!
it helps if you got a maid...but having a maid also makes us no privacy!
i'm also trying to find the prefect balance of becoming a mum and a working for cooking, i am STILL too lazy to wake up earlier hahaha...bad mum!
Relax, relax. I know it's not easy being a a working mom. Now with Ryan, I am becoming more aware of the responsibilities and the stress as well. A big salute to every MOTHER. For me, I just pulled out all the cute pictures of Ryan when he is sleeping or smiling. The stress will go away. Sometimes, when he is cranky and when I dont have enough sleep, really feel like `strangling' him. But then, he is our angel from above. When he smiles, the world lights up!
most impossible to achieve this loving spouse you mentioned. most of the time, I, the spouse, wanna run far far away..
No, it's not all smiles n laughter at home everyday. I'm vy lucky in the sense I don't hv work to worry abt. Just gotta deal with the kids' nonsense all the time. U take it ez ok. :)
Take it easy ok. All these are part and parcel of our life as a mummy. I'm also learning to cope here and my lil gal can sometimes drive me up the wall with her behavior...haha!!
Take it easy ok. All these are part and parcel of our life as a mummy. I'm also learning to cope here and my lil gal can sometimes drive me up the wall with her behavior...hahah!!
no one is perfect here, same goes to me, in the office facing load of works, at home facing two monkeys and stupid dumb dumb maid.... haizzz
aiyah...all like that one lah. I also not super mum. I don't bento, take photos, do scrapbook and all those extra stuff. Blogging is my only vice and luxury. We're all in the same boat. At the end of the day, we do what we do cos we love our kids :)
Like you say, just got to cope with it loh. Nobody is perfect, just gotto adapt to the situation :)
Sooner and later u will love your life. Just have to give more LOVE and to be more patient with them!
I also want to know. With 3 kids, I am no longer the loving spouse.... but a shouting mum and nagging wifey hehe... too! I wan to know how. I wish i can have more patient too, but i can't. My boys always drive me to the wall and like kiasu mum said and i still have to face a "sotong" maid, how to not make me scream more and make me like a mad and crazy woman!
Irene, actually it is the same, all moms juggle like mad woman, be it working mum or stay at home mum. I have been working, so i can understand how u feel. but now staying at home full time, there is no time either. worst till, no time to breathe! therefore people always say working time is actually resting time !
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