a bit the late isn't it? CNY is over, how come so fast wan leh! sob sob! oh well... till next year then. on saturday, we went over to cookingmomster's house for steamboat & lou sang, together with her bunch of crazy frens whom i met on last new year's eve gathering. it was really nice, just a small group chatting, gossiping & eating at the same time. this time lil missy was behaving A-OK, not overboard. and we also celebrated cookingmomster's 18th birthday! hahaha!
on sunday, we went over the curve for awhile before we head over to a fren's new condo for a visit. of course i pop over to DAISO, how can i miss it? haha! bought like 6 items only cus this time lil missy was wide awake & was touching everything she sees & it really drove us up the wall! we also took a walk at the flea market & it was very HOT! we were walking so fast, i think i miss out a lot of nice stuf. we then had dinner at kim gary at the curve & then we over to our fren's place only to find out that they were having lion dance around the guard house area. there was a large crowd & my lil missy was enjoying herself watching it. luckily she isn't afraid of lion dance & fire crackers, if not... CNY would be a scary time for her & tiring time for me.
it was a thaipusam public holiday over on monday, but hubs had to go to office to clear of some works with his trainer leaving me & lil missy behind. initially he thought of bringing me & lil missy together with him for lunch over at victoria station & then drop us both of at Great Eastern mall while he get to office to do his work. i was contemplating about it, what if he work more than that 1.5 hours he told me that he needed, knowing him, i didn't want to take that risk so i ended up going out with cookingmomster together with her 2 kiddos. we went over to south city & had lunch in oldtown kopitiam. it was really nice as lil missy was enjoying herself playing with ee thern & le ann, so im happy i can eat peacefully (kind of!)
see the lil toy cars i got it for rm10 for all 3 at curve's flea market, so cute!
and all this wooden learning boards, i got it near a huge store (near my home area)selling all kinds of stuff from A-Z. each of this boards cost less than rm 5 & rm10! what a bargain!
Eh? Celebrated Cookingmomster's big day in advance? But it's great that u can even click with her bunch of frens. Those educational toys r a real bargain leh.
i love those 3 cars! must go over this weekend to look for it! ethan is all about cars!
it's great that u had such great fun-filled time.. going out with others sure is fun once in a while instead of being just the two of u kan? sometimes 3 lah.. with daddy around..
Wahhhh ... since when I jadi 18 years old. Hahaha.. eh the crazy bunch of girls wanted to have another gathering some where in March. This round will be pot luck. Wan to join the fun ah? Hahaha
Eh? Celebrated Cookingmomster's big day in advance? But it's great that u can even click with her bunch of frens.
Those educational toys r a real bargain leh.
Nice wooden boards u've got for lil missy. Great toys for her and I'm sure these few items can keep her occupied for some time. :)
Happy Chap Goh Meh to you too
i love those 3 cars! must go over this weekend to look for it! ethan is all about cars!
it's great that u had such great fun-filled time.. going out with others sure is fun once in a while instead of being just the two of u kan? sometimes 3 lah.. with daddy around..
Nice toys!~
happy chap goh meh
Wahhhh ... since when I jadi 18 years old. Hahaha.. eh the crazy bunch of girls wanted to have another gathering some where in March. This round will be pot luck. Wan to join the fun ah? Hahaha
Wow.. the flea market has really good deal huh?
And yah.. CNY just zoomed by so quickly.
May I know where do you buy get the wooden boards? I went to the curve but didn't see it.
hi Anonymous :: the wooden boards, i got it near my home area loh, sorry, miscommunication here. hehe :)
Wah, didn't know the flee market sell cheap toys. Must check them out one day.
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