yesterday towards late afternoon, i received a call from bbsitter telling me that lil missy vomited. her milk intake, her porridge for lunch, all came out. i was a bit shocked & was pretty upset. haih... im lousy lah. i quickly then called hubs & told him the bad news. he told me he has got an important meeting with his bosses & he can't go yet. u can imagine at this point, im already boiling. never mind, i told him to come pick me up as soon as he finishes. meanwhile i keep calling bbsitter to update myself. it was already around 530pm & lil missy had just finished a bowl of porridge & playing a bit. after some work around 7pm, hubs was still stucked in his important meeting. i was already cursing like mad woman.
i took a walk to isetan to get some bread & just waste time cus i can't sit in the ofis looking at the PC & thinking about lil missy at the same time. then i called up my mom & rant. sigh... my mom told me i can be very scary when im angry. walaoeh, lagi boiling. so went into isetan supermarket to get some food stuff & proceed to the cashier to pay off. while Q-ing, i was observing this lady in front of me, LV bag, coach purse, starbucks take away & a perfect pedicure. vy nice :) after paying, i waited for hubs at the side entrance of isetan.
there this place where they have benches for patrons to rest. and i saw the same lady there again, so i went sit beside her. i can't help overhearing her phone conversation. seems like her lil daughter is also feverish & her husband is late! omg. i duno whether to laugh or to cry at this moment as im still very much angry with my hubs. i was sms-ing my brother, my frens to curse. then suddenly out of the blue, i just turned to her & blurted out "hi... im very stress, i need someone to talk to"... imagine her reaction to that. she was shocked. haha! sorry lady, im very 'gila' at times. she was smiling at me & we chatted away. her daughter is currently with bbsitter while her elder son is with her ILs having dinner. she also told that her husband is always late, bla... bla... blaa... told me not to worry, kids having fever is good, cus they are fighting off the infection... bla... bla... bla... at this point, i was already very cool & relax. very much thanks to this nice lady i met. and she happened to work in the same building as me! now that's a coincidence isn't it? hope i will bump into her again... soon her husband arrived & so did mine.
the journey back to my bbsitter house was a quiet & fast one. hubs was driving F1 style. when we got to lil missy, she was lying down at the sofa looking like... a sad no energy lil missy. sigh. paedi already closed around 9pm so we had to go to a normal GP. so both lil missy & me saw the doc & was given meds. i was having flu for the pass few days & sore throat.

then we sent lil missy off to bbsitter around afternoon & we proceed to go mines to buy the ear thermoscan from guardian. finally i was parted away with my rm269 for this piece of technology which suppose to make me feel at ease in knowing that my lil missy's temperature is not more than 38 degrees.
Hope lil missy is feeling much better edi. Yeah... it's important to invest in a good ear thermometer. When kiddo's having fever, must monitor the temperature closely.
Wow... u made frens jes like that. *geng* ;)
Btw, I've got awards for u.
I hope both u and lil missy are much better now. Rest well.
I hope both u and lil missy are much better now. Rest well. really siao man. like that oso can...hahahaha...
sorry i didnt reply your text..had to work late and by the time i balik...too late liao.
well, it's good investment. at least you wont be worried sick the next time. hope my kai-looi get well soon. you oso hor, auntie...and uncle kel oso.
U r very geng man...can talk to stranger so easily hehehhehe
and the thermometer Rm269 damn expensive lo... but it will be of good use la..
get well soon ok...
hope she is feeling better today. ashley has not poop for the 3rd day now and i am STRESSED!!!
You really can get crazy when you're mad hor? keep cursing and talk to stranger? Ha Ha.. Hope both you and lil missy feeling better now.. So expensive the thingy> yikes.. CNY gift ah? ha ha,just joking.. take care..
the thermometer is a great buy...indeed very useful when they hv fever...but we bought the omron one, slightly cheaper...
anyway, if i were you, i would also chat with the lady besides me...and thk God she is very friendly ehhh...some ppl just said few words then excused themselves...been there done that hahaha...
aiyo poor woman...i read yr story also can feel the anger & anxious in u while waiting for huby helplessly, with a mind that was obviously loiterring abt lil missy!!
guess it's time to think of a contingency plan to solve d problem of getting to yr time of emergency, this is impt u know!! public transport how...?? must figure la..
glad that u finally invested a isn't this a bit late huh??
take care yea......
1st, wish lil missy speedy recovery..
2nd, I dont think I'll layan u if I were to LV lady lah.. hahahaha.. so crazy lah u!!!
3rd, guess u can get the same thermometer from brand Microlife cheaper lah.. less than 200.. ;) and am using that.. Guardian will have promo for that item on & off wor..
last but not least, ALL THE BEST!!
love your description of your encounter at Isetan:) hope you're all better now.
poor thing. my kiddos are sick too andmy 3 year old keeps throwing up. yes, it's very stressful.
hope all of us get well soon.
wah...u can talk to strangers like dat ah?
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