we woke up around 10.30am today cus it's a sunday mar. hehe! then we got ready & head to lunch at may keng again @ south city & move on to our next destination. guess where we went? it was easy to locate her lovely house. why i said tat? cus my hubs said so. haha... and he being the 'sesat king' most of the time, was happy he cud find the house easily. the map that was given helps too :)
we went over to visit lil ashley & barbara! it was really nice to have finally meet the oh so friendly barb! thanks for having us le. and thank you for the stuff you gave lil missy. and the nice 'tong yuen" ur mom cooked :) barb told me ashley mite be shy wen meeting with us, but she was wrong. lil ashley was really friendly towards krystal. and both of them really had fun. jumping around, running here & there. and boy oh boy, there is sooooo many toys in barb's house. can turn into nursery already. haha... luckily the girls can click & play along nicely. phew! was too concentrating on those 2 lil girls & chatting with barb, i only managed to snap hundred & ONE picture of them both. kekeke!

after visiting barb & family we dropped by at midvalley mall. had to spent like 20 mins to look for a parking space. initially donwan to go wan, but so near de, so i also itchy butt la, pestering the hubs to go. essshhh... women i tell u. haha! oh my goodness the crowd in midv. sure all last min shopping wan. crazee man. we need to get few xmas presents for our cousins as we have a xmas party to go to this week, but failed. duno why le, prob too many ppl already makes me dizzy. cant think straight. sien. then we went to coffee bean to just rest awhile. finally behtahan already, so we head home. im just looking forward for the public holidays end of the month. hehe... another 2 weeks, 2008 will end. time really flies.
ooo...you posted already so fast! glad to finally meet all of you. Krystal is so adorable. Ashley has been asking about her :D
Sounds like a good weekend!! Expected lah...this last weekend b4 Xmas sure alot of people. Your little missy wakes up at 10am on weekends??? LUCKY YOU!!
last friday we took ONE hour to find a place to park in MV :(
hi.. merry xmas to u!
The shopping malls r all vy crowded huh. Go KLCC to shop during lunch break loh. :)
Merry X'mas n Happy New Year to u n ur family!
barb is like santa mama always like to give ppl things wan.. hehehe
yea, Man !! shopping during festive seasons really sucks. But no choice wor. Most time have to spend hours looking for a parking even if you managed to queue your way in
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