she was eating the sausages which i boiled while watching TV. so i kept doing my work la, then suddenly i heard "oooh ooooh" & turned around with this in front of me.

she was clean, not even a milo drip on her. pheeeew! then i went over to hit her palm, 3 times! quite hard le, but then she didn't even cry or whine. which is to my surprise. i can see she can sense that she did something wrong. after that, i asked her to go stand at one side & don't move. she quickly ran to the sofa & climbed on top of it & sat quietly.

sigh, more cleaning to do.
She know is wrong already...hope she remember that...
you are right the hot drink didn't hurt her.. time dont make yr mummy vomit blood ok...
Aiyo..look at her kesian face. She understood ni..hehe. If I marah my girl sure she will cry loud loud. Very sensitive kid.
omg, she looks so cuteee!!!
Irene, Lemonjude and I both know all too well what happens when a child is scalded with hot water. Thank goodness she is ok. My heart stopped when I read your post header. No one should ever go there.
Judy & Paik Ling :: i know, i know, gotta be so careful as she likes to reach for anything wic interest her now. sigh. as i was cleaning the mess, i tot about both of you lor :(
It's ok lar, look at her pitiful face.
good that she's ok.
ya, luckily hot milo didnt pour on her. and she is so smart, she knew she salah and just kept quiet and listened to ur lecture. hehe
ooo oooh, what you did to mummy was wrong...lucky girl to hv such a good patient mum...
hehe..can see her guilty face hor....she know mummy is free ma, so mai ask u do more work lo... :P
aiyo...poor thing...nvm la...luckily she is alright.
Awww..the poor dear. and poor you too. glad she is alright though
this mummy so angry, scold scold, but still can take camera and took picture. LOL!
Phew! Glad she is ok. :)
Oh dear! Anyway, dirty table cloth can be washed as long as your lil missy was not hurt which is the most important thing...
Kids hands are soooo fast these days.. I always have heart attacks when we dines out where we have hot teas on our table.
hahahahaa....she looks so guilty in the photo. poor baby. Thank God that she was not scalded by the hot milo.
She has a guilty but cute look though. How to stay angry at her leh?
Luckily nothing happened. It'll serve as a reminder so that next time u won't put anything hot within her reach.
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