once i'm at home, the first thing i do is to boil water. then wash the bottles, refill drinkable water. then put in the dirty laundry, then pack lil missy's bag for school next day, her extra clothing for the daycare. then after that, pick this up, pick that up, sit down to eat dinner. luckily we catered food, so we only need to cook the rice, which hubs diligently does it everyday, thank you iloveyou! after dinner, i will wash everything, and anything. after eating, i will sweep & mop the floor, oh before i forget, in between sweeping & mopping, i will bring in the dry clothes and folds them. once i'm done with mopping, i will go to bath
after bathing, let's not forget, washing machine done washing our clothes, time for hanging. once done hanging the clothes for drying, i will look at the clock, and it will shows 11.30pm. if i'm lucky, it will show 10.30pm. i see... now i know why i just don't have the time to play with lil missy... hmmm... my time management, lousy! aaaaaaaarggggh!