aaaaaaaaaaaum! day 3 in bangkok, and i already felt like a pro in shopping! hahahaha! who am i to kid, not enuf money lagi tu! seifor... today we are gonna skip shopping & move on to some sight seeing, but we will be walking around so... even walking around, there are things to buy in every corner! hubs said he needed to blind fold me so i would not stop every time i see something. hahahahhaha! yeah, that bad!
after jason arrived at our hotel, we then started our walking spree to meet up with my cousin & her hubby over in some train station. 1st destination, the Grand Palace. we decided to take the boat instead of a taxi to reach the palace, so it was nice
once we reached the place, my cousin & her hubs got in the palace while me, hubs & jason went to a really nice cafe opposite the Grand Palace to relax. hehehe... i did not visit the palace as i have visited before, in my younger days *ehem*
the weather was killing me softly as it was so damn hot! to be able to find a gorgeous cafe like tis at that hour was a total bliss! so frenchy the cafe, so cosy and the prices was so affordable! u can never find such cafe like this in our country with that kind of pricing
so we started cam-whoring, till my cousin
johan are done with their visiting
after the cafe, we walked around the area checking the local shops, local crafts... then it was time for lunch & we settled in a small old shop. the noodles served here was yummmmmmmy! and cheap, cheap, cheap!
after our yummy lunch, we decided to move on to kaoshan road, they called it the backpackers' haven. again, soooooooo many things to buy, BUT... i didn't buy anything, cus the lady would not wanna gimme more discount so i also jual mahal! hahaha!
again, we were so tired of walking, and of course the weather, jason took us to a gem place, a nice cosy starbucks outlet in kaoshan road. it's a hidden mansion somewhere behind the shop lots, walk thru an alley and you will find the yellow mansion :)
it's one of the prettiest starbucks in bangkok, one of the prominent ones in the world, probably because of the beautiful traditional thai house. i don't see any traditional in it le, i see it more to of an english house le... cosy & comfy
after our coffee session, time to head back to the city :)

once we reached the town area, we decided to have dinner at the roadside, at a noodle's stall while sipping on coconut drinks. it was already quite late, so my cousin & her hubby head back to their hotel, left 3 of us sitting there deciding where to go next. what else, massage lah! muaaahaahaaa! we went to a nearby massage place, 5mins walk from hotel, we then opt for 1hour of foot massage. it was full house that nite, guess everyone is tired from walking too much huh! hehe... it was so good, we continue for another hour with body massage!