whoa, i have abandon my blog for a month! a month wei! keng man. means i have not switch on my netbook for a month. poor fella. why? cus i was busy at work, busy at home but mainly cus i lost the mojo to blog. everyday i will be thinking what to write, busy taking pictures of anything which interest me, but im just to busy and lazy
a month hide-out is enuf, i told myself. if i don't keep writing, im gonna end up closing this blog. now that's gonna be so sad for me, cus i have put so much effort in this, and when i grow old, wait i got nothing to read then how? hehehehe... lil missy's been alright. she had a mild fever recently. 2 days, and i think cus doc gave antibiotics that's why so fast recovered. normally her fever takes a week to go away, but then too much antibiotic is not good isn't it? sigh... fever pls don't come back! im very tired when ur here.
last weekend we popped by over to merryn's new purple studio for a crafty session. lil missy loves it, and me? i just simply love the cosy feeling when im there. maybe cus of the purple feel, my bedroom has the same color u see. makes me feel fuzzy wuzzy. hahaha! i showed my mom some pictures hubs took when we were there, and she told me, bring her there more often rather than go shopping mall! hahaha...

see how my lil missy was sooooo into
coloring the owl piece she has chosen!

i kena from teacher merryn cus i
abandoned lil missy for awhile. merryn said
crafting is good for parent-kids bonding wor,
so i paid more attention! haha!

after the kids finished their masterpiece, time to turn the purple studio upside down! lil missy,
ethan, and princess chloe. we also met sean during this craft session, but i didn't really chat with sean's mommy cus i don't really know her. sorry yeah, also cus maybe i was too busy in attending to lil missy & her owl! tick tock tick tock! time was ticking away...

recently lil missy's kindy organised a trip to sushi king & rice factory. i was reluctant to let her go at first cus u know lah! but then her teacher was chatting with me, don't worry, we will take care of her, so i let her join the trip. lucky thing i did, cus lil missy had a blast.

we were in melaka over the weekend. my mil took in lil missy for 2 days. lil missy didn't wanna follow me back to my mom's cus her cousin sister was staying with her too. and with my MIL bringing the girls here & there, i was free! hubs took me out to a local club to let loose. the in house band was superb. i was there for both the nites and the 2nd nite i reached home at 5am! can u believe it! omg... my mom asked me the next day what time i got home, i did not dare to tell her till hubs blurted it out. hahaha... seifor mou! the club closes at 2am then we hung around with the band members and end up going for supper or should i say early breakfast, the whole clan. it was nice to get out once awhile to let loose, but not too often though... im getting old ^o^