we went over for a movie, The Tooth Fairy with lil missy over the weekend. she was A OK thruout the movie, slept for awhile & woke up continue watching The Rock in action. overall a funny movie, family entertainment kind.
then hubs suggested i watch this as well. very funny movie. hilarious. and i suggest if u guys have the time, go watch It's Complicated too :)
had lunch in breeks cafe located in IOI mall, they were having promotion on set lunches @ rm19.90 which came with a drink & either soup or ice cream. the food was really nice. oh maybe cus we were hungry. i think it was nice.
hubs had the cajun fish spaghetti while i had the cheese mushroom dory fish spaghetti. lil missy finished almost the whole piece of my dory fish & a bit of the spaghetti. im happy she likes the food here, means we can pop over here more often :)
i also attended my company's annual dinner over the weekend. a last minute decision in fact. was too lazy to pan leng leng to go. so after our movie session, and it was close to evening, i just popped over to Jeeps retail store & got myself a pair of jeans & pepsi blouse, while hubs got some new clothes as well. still deciding to go or not, finally changed in the car & pop over to annual dinner. hahaha... the theme was silver screen saturday, and i was telling myself to dress as bella in twilight. jeans & shirt. unfortunately failed of cos, as bella is so pretty & she has long hair, oh well... what the heck! the rest of the ladies was dressed to kill, i don't even dare to move about. hahahaha... paiseh siot!
reached home around 1.30am, got locked out of the apartment as i did not bring my house keys with me. was calling hubs like mad think i killed his ifon. my ifon was down to 13% battery life. called my BIL who was staying in another condo away to standby to pick me up over to his place to crash for a nite if hubs STILL doesn't wake up to open the door for me. i was SMSing him non stop, just kept pressing the Send button till he was woken up by the SMS alerts. sigh. i knew i could get him by SMSes, but not the crazy 25 missed calls i gave him. arrrghhhh!

so ladies & gentleman,
always bring your house keys with you
you will never know when u gonna
get locked out of the house! dammit!
Missy is so cute. :) Tooth fairy...I wanna watch it. :p
Haha :D I love your title.Makan! :D
LOL 25 callssss....Guess your hubi is mad on sms instead of calls ya..kakaka
so how? u went ti BIL place?
I've been to Breeks once and the food is not bad lah. Yes..next time MUST bring your house keys with you. :P
Lil missy is wearing a poncho in the last pic? So sweet.
Good la u, so often go out for movies. Lil missy must be so used to going to the cinemas now... What is she wearing in the last pic? Sarong ar?
hey irene, came here through barb's blog. just dropping by to say hello :) btw, the movie 'it's complicated' is hilarious ya, watched it few weeks ago.
your hubs so terror? sleep until so soundly one?
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