we couldn't do anything as the next day was a Sunday. i was asking around for mechanic recommendations which frens can trust. as i know nowadays, they will "cut throat" whenever possible. sigh. my prayers were heard when cookingmomster called me up saying her hubby wants to speak to my hubs. then it is decided that they will pay a visit to a mechanic fren of sue2 on monday, which is today. so we still gotta wait, didn't want to drive out as the car has no air cond. torturing man.

anyway, monday came. hubs together with sue2's hubs, Suki went to look for their mechanic fren. and here i was at work praying & mumbling to myself, the air cond compressor better not be dead, or i will be! dang dang dang! then good news came about! hubs SMSed me, told me the mechanic found something else was faulty & it only cost rm400 to have it replaced & fixed. the car's air cond compressor is still in good working condition! THANK YOU GOD! and more importantly, THANK YOOOOOOOOOU COOKINGMOMSTER & SUKI. if it's not for you guys, we couldn't have solve this problem soonest possible.
kamsiah kamsiah kamsiah!
wow...400rm! compared to the 1200? gosh.. cny time really cutting throat ...really cut throat la!
War...Rm400? Not bad huh you guys receive a bargain! :)
good bargain!
Thank God for kind friend
Oh..very lucky indeed. *phew* The movie you went sounds interesting. About lil missy's change in appetite, maybe it's due to her recent recovery from fever coz Gwen's appetite isn't good as well.
Blogger friends are such a gem right?
next time hor...can ask me lor cos my hubs other biz is car workshop specializing in toyota ;)
Ha,,, that's when friends come into the picture to give us the assistance we need,,,,
Guess it all begins with us to be nice to others first,,,,,,,,right?
Aiks? Setapak? I live around there. *grinZ*
will kids enjoy the movie? gong hei fatt choy! it seems u had a joyful celebration!
aiseh.. why you tak thank me? I told you to change the whole car!!! :P
wa.. big savings.. $ saved for all the other movies you can watch.
(you quite kaki movie also hor?) :P
It's always feel blessed when there is someone over to help.
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