25 February 2010

24 February 2010
22 February 2010
lucky us
we couldn't do anything as the next day was a Sunday. i was asking around for mechanic recommendations which frens can trust. as i know nowadays, they will "cut throat" whenever possible. sigh. my prayers were heard when cookingmomster called me up saying her hubby wants to speak to my hubs. then it is decided that they will pay a visit to a mechanic fren of sue2 on monday, which is today. so we still gotta wait, didn't want to drive out as the car has no air cond. torturing man.

21 February 2010
CNY 2010
11 February 2010
more colors

10 February 2010

and im in the mood for some colors for this festive season. im soooo in da mood man! i did this over lunch time at skinfood counter. hehe! tell me which colors u guys prefer... all so nice rite? i like no2, no3 & no4... hmmm tough!
09 February 2010
movies & makans

07 February 2010
C2 - Cool & Clean Green Tea
C2 are made from 100% Natural Green Tea (not from powder & concentrates of green tea). what makes me interested was these drinks are brewed & packaged fresh on the same day. we also know that green tea has the least caffeine & the highest amount of health benefits. it has powerful anti-oxidant, and it's definitely a much healthier choice to carbonated soft drink. i do drink green tea in office everyday, if i could tahan not making coffee or teh tarik lah! hehehe...
hubs & i really like the drinks. and no need to mention lil missy lor, she has been sipping non stop from all 3 bottles. a bit here & there, but 3 of us has our own favorites C2 :)
06 February 2010
cny with doraemon

04 February 2010
mini hotel

03 February 2010
gongxi gongxi

02 February 2010

here comes the Big Bad Wolfie!
He's back! He's back! He's baaaaaaack! And this time is at MINES CONVENTION CENTRE (MIECC) I am so going everyday! haha...

many asked why don't wait till the special date --> 11.11.2011 I also dunno leh , most probably I'm afraid that the hospital woul...
started the journey from KL around 11ish am right after we have our early lunch with my parents who arrived from melaka at 9.30am & bro ...
the day i found out that Hi5 was coming to town, i was pretty happy probably for the fact we have been watching Hi5 for the past 1 year almo...