anyway, i still got some episodes to catch up on le. currently watching this, Ms No Good with rainie & wilbur. never have the time to sit & finish this series. i love to watch rainie's series, even better if Mike He is in it man. i just lurve watching this 2 acting together, they look so good together. if they kahwin rite, i bet their kids sure very the lengchai lenglui wan! hehe....
in this series right, rainie's role is really very annoying. the way she speaks makes u wanna cekik her, but she is so pretty! can't help it. u know, one of my wish is to visit Taiwan. i always dreamt that one fine day, while walking on the busy streets of Taiwan, i would bump into Mike He. piuu-weeet!

Ada orang 'fatt hou'. kekeke
u hv this on dvd? can loan me?
hahahhahahahahahhahaha,u're so funny la!
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