31 March 2009
tiring weekend
'cheng meng' is around the corner, where we all gather to pay respect to our elders. the fact that is 'cheng meng' whereby we gotta feel sad cus our loved ones left us, i was also in happy mood cus this time around, all cousins will all gather together for this prayers :) on sat morning, i followed my parents to pay respect to my late grandma together with my relatives. 1st group of us arrived earlier and while we waited for 2nd group to arrive, we all sat around the graveyard to chit chat & joked. what a sight man. haha! u can imagine a group of 10 adults & kids laughing & talking to kill time. with all due respect, i seriously apologies to those around us that time. all we could see is gloomy faces. finally we did spot some other bunch of happier peeps around.
no sight of 2nd group, we all walked down towards the malay stall nearby to have a feast. well not a FEAST feast, just some yummy ikan pari, nasi lemak, lontong, roti canai & a group of jokers. what a morning. after the prayers, we went back to freshen up & head off to our late grandma's hse over in machap baru. the house was packed & im loving it. uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces & nephews. it was also Earth Hour day, and mind you, i did try my best to convince everyone to switch of the lights, but only managed to switch off a few. its a kampung lor, so u can imagine la hor.
on sun morning, i woke up around 730am crawl out of bed slowly & hubs came by to pick me up for IL's side of prayers. we din bring lil missy along cus i just don't want to. she was sleeping like a baby & moreover the hot sun, the walking, the naik bukit part already sum up the word TIRED! the prayers finished about 12noon & i went home straight away knocked out for few hours. lucky lil missy was well behaved along with my parents so i got to sleep.
after my nap, lil missy's nap, hubs came by to pick us up & we head back to KL. on the way, we dropped by to hubs' normal hair saloon to get a hair cut & me, being the crazee me, went & cut my hair and end up with this!
omg, super short laaaaaah! i had a hair cut just like this before years back and... whoa, i didn't know i wud get it again lar. adoi. a bit too short, my mom disapproved it. too short she said. oh well, cut already lah. i kinda like it. no need to comb my hair. haha. hubs loves it. lil missy called me 'daddy'. walaoeh. some of my colleague asked me if i ter-cut wrongly. jokers. my boss said nice. some of my frens told too short. some said i looked like 18 years old now. i wished. so many different opinions but most important is im ok with it. haha... im consoling myself here leh :)
27 March 2009
Confessions of Shopaholic

yesterday nite, we managed to watch this movie, Marley & Me. the world worst dog. hehe... marley is so cute & very evil. a movie about life after marriage, kids, commitment, responsibilities, love, sacrifices. a good movie.
22 March 2009
time really flies...

oh yeah, we also let her ride the carousel which is inside IOI mall too. no need to go genting for it, haha... rm2 for a ride, which makes me dizzy i tell u. i think it's the weather. it hasn't been raining for the past few days, probably that's why we get tired easily & headaches too. or it's just me?
15 March 2009
this time...
on saturday nite, my cousins planned a surprise birthday party for the dad & we joined in the fun. we arrived right on time, but the father suddenly arrived home earlier than expected so it was a 'failed' surprise party. hahahaha! nevertheless, it was still a good party with all the relatives joining together & can see my uncle beaming that nite. we did surprise him with the cake though :) i was in charge of switching off the lights when the cake came out! hehe!

so off we went to aunt's place in setapak & lil missy just enjoying herself playing with the piano. lucky there was lotsa of people, so u can hardly hear her playing all the noise. phew! if not, i will faint.

14 March 2009
MPH stock clearance
12 March 2009
09 March 2009
happy birthday again!
on sat after lil missy's jab, hubs drove lil missy back to ILs place & im a free woman! muahahaha! i then rushed my bro to get ready & off we went for a movie. we managed to catch "LOVE MATTERS" though we were late 15 mins. i recommend this movie to all married couple with kids. go watch, go grab the dvd, go watch it. after the movie, i managed to take a 3 hour nap. shiok man! around evening, my fren malini came pick me up & off we went to shopping & yamcha session with my close frens over at oldtown kopitiam till my dad called me & asked "the shopping mall haven't close shop ah?" walaoeh... haha! dad oh dad!
the next day, my family & my ILs went over to a restaurant in melaka raya for the belated birthday lunch of lil missy. no big party whatsoever, just a table of family members enjoying lunch on a Sunday afternoon. lil missy was a bit cranky cus she was due on her afternoon nap but as soon as she saw the cute lil ice cream cake daddy bought for her, she was excited! hehehe... then the restaurant played a birthday song & we all sang for her. she blew off the candles before the song finishes & cut the cake herself! hahaha... krys oh krys :)

another weekend came by & gone. hope u guys had a nice weekend!
06 March 2009
TGIF peeps
anyway, i still got some episodes to catch up on le. currently watching this, Ms No Good with rainie & wilbur. never have the time to sit & finish this series. i love to watch rainie's series, even better if Mike He is in it man. i just lurve watching this 2 acting together, they look so good together. if they kahwin rite, i bet their kids sure very the lengchai lenglui wan! hehe....
in this series right, rainie's role is really very annoying. the way she speaks makes u wanna cekik her, but she is so pretty! can't help it. u know, one of my wish is to visit Taiwan. i always dreamt that one fine day, while walking on the busy streets of Taiwan, i would bump into Mike He. piuu-weeet!

05 March 2009
happy birthday lil missy!

then with a blink of 365 days, she turn 1 year old & we had a birthday celebration for her :)

with another blink of 365 days, she turns 2 today!
yesterday nite, i bought a piece of mango cake from secret recipe sajer wanna sing birthday song to her & let her blow the lil candle. she was smiling till kenot see her eyes already. hahaha... my noty lil missy. she also enjoyed eating the cake & playing with the cream. noty noty!
happy birthday Krystal, may you grow up healthily, happily & be a good girl :)
here comes the Big Bad Wolfie!
He's back! He's back! He's baaaaaaack! And this time is at MINES CONVENTION CENTRE (MIECC) I am so going everyday! haha...

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started the journey from KL around 11ish am right after we have our early lunch with my parents who arrived from melaka at 9.30am & bro ...
the day i found out that Hi5 was coming to town, i was pretty happy probably for the fact we have been watching Hi5 for the past 1 year almo...