the day i found out that Hi5 was coming to town, i was pretty happy probably for the fact we have been watching Hi5 for the past 1 year almost everynite till elmo took over lil missy's heart. hehe! lil missy has about chapter 1 - chapter 8 of season 8 or somthing, each dvd ain't cheap, but yet i still buy it for her. guess that's what we say "sanggup kan" for the kids. still, on & off lil missy will want her dose of Hi5. i must say, me & hubs really enjoyed watching Hi5 lor. their songs, their dancing, their story-telling are really entertaining, and lil missy do learn a thing or two from them

i normally win CDs, and now OMG... why you have to do this to me lah. and they say life is always full of decision, and for this, i have already made up my mind. we are going to cameron highland cus this will be our 1st holiday together as a family & for the fact, there will be 35 of us (and counting) whom will be going together, how could i not go cameron kan? hahaha...

still somewhere inside me, i wish i cud bring lil missy go watch Hi5 lor... sure she shiok habis :) adoi... kenapa ler maciam ni. now who want the Hi5 tickets? it's the RM120 seating wan leh, don't play2 :) i got 2 tickets to giveaway to anyone, email me, msn me, call me. quick!