I :: "hey im here already, where you?" M :: "me ah, in anakku. ethan watching elmo"
I :: "hmmm... ok. i come look for you"
after awhile...
I :: "errr... where exactly is anakku? hahahaha..."
M :: "there... in front of MPH"
I :: "mana MPH nie...."
M :: "errrr... i pun tak tau"
I :: "walaoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh"

at this very moment, hubs can be seen rolling his eyes. hahahaha. we come to this area like once every few months, how la to ingat exactly where the shops are man. pening. then we meet. my 1st impression, OMG, she so cute wan. she really does look more like ethan's sister than mommy (compliment here ok, woman) probably cus of her petite size. kecik kecik cili padi this mommy :)
finally we met up. been chatting a lot. was hoping this other mommy can join us, but too bad, she balik kampung. oh well, there will surely be another time. after the intro & all, we went to have lunch in ikea. the food was so so, probably i ordered the wrong thing? hubs seems to be enjoying his choice. blek. maybe next time, i will order the other dish which i initially wanted :)
we walked around ikea, wanted to get something, but that something is always temporarily out of stock. chey, apa nie... then we came across popular booksale in ikano. wah, bukan main happy me, but with the kids around, we were really having difficulty browsing the books in peace. my lil missy was really noty today, throwing tantrum... dunno why. probably passed her nap time kua. lil ethan, was an angel man. he is so well behaved, me & hubs was so impressed. serious. no wonder his mommy can handle him all by herself. if me, leave me alone with lil missy? i failed... sadly :(
after spending few hours together, merryn left as her hubs was already here to pick them both up. didn't had the chance to say bye bye properly cus i was too bz checking out the books. sorry woman, next time we meet somewhere else. haha... after we bought some books, we went to harvey norman as hubs needs to buy a external hard disk. managed to get one finally. he is a happy man, means i can shop in peace. hahahaa... we went back to curve, check out daiso but came out empty handed cus the items we wanted, couldn't be found. yikes. then went over to mothercare to get some a gift for a fren's 1 yr old birthday party next month.

i was walking around in peace as hubs was watching over lil missy having a whale of time playing at the lil playground in front of mothercare. she was having so much fun with other kids around. after that, we walked around a bit. then back to ikano & called it a day. we left about 6ish. lil missy was in la la land from ikea to home and continue till 9pm+, that's how tired she was :)
ps :: thank you so much for the cupcakes merryn. yummy!