GOD could not be everywhere, and therefore HE made mothers!
- Rudyard Kipling
- When I came home in the rain..
- brother asked "why didn't you take an umbrella?"
- sister advised "why didn't you wait till rain stopped?"
- father angrily warned "only after getting cold, you will realize!"
- but... mom, while drying my hair, said "stupid rain! couldn't it wait, till my child came home?"
That's MOM
Happy Mother's Day Irene! You are a great MOM! :D
Happy Momsie Day to you. Hope you are feeling better now :)
happy mother's day to you too!
hope everything's fine with you...havent been seeing you around lately...
Happy Mother's Day to u too!
Happy Mothers' Day. I haven't come here in a while (sorry!). Love your new look!!
Love you short post :) Wish you had a Sweet Mother's Day!
happy mother's day..
Happy Mother's Day! Mom is the best!
Happy Mother's Day to u!!
same to u..like wat you posted!
how very true.
a nice one. happy mother's day to you too!
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