"warning - shiok sendiri post ahead"
our lil missy had her 1st concert last saturday over at her kindy. it was done just in front of her kindy, a low cost event, nothing fancy like doing over in big halls or malls. oh well, small scale pun small scale lah... as long as my princess did well in her performance!
when i was given the concert schedule by her teacher, i was told she is involved in 3 performances, one of them being a solo performance, her reciting 2 rhymes. on that day, she did 5 performances! wahlaowei, i think they not enuf of student lar! or my lil missy too noty edi :)
her 1st performance was a Happy Day dance, she came out so cute with her 2 braided ponytails, holding a big card, dancing along... she looked so happy, smiling till kenot see her eyes!

her 2nd performance was a Fashion show, this shocked me man! she came out as the 2nd couple wearing the cutest pink cheong sam i ever saw in my life! hahahahaha! im just making that up, pardon me again! with 2 huge flowers on each side of her hair. gosh, can see she was somehow blushing from the catwalk *ehem*
her 3rd performance was a dance from 2 rhymes. again with her smile-till-kenot-see-eyes, she was happily dancing away, gosh so proud of her!
now the next performance, which was her 4th one, it the main highlight event for us, cus it was her SOLO performance. she had to recite 2 short rhymes, with a short introduction of herself which goes like this my name is krystal ....
i am 3 years old
tonight, i will present 2 rhymes to all of you
then her 2 rhymes starts...
the only thing i was upset was the sound system was quite bad, and her mike was not adjusted properly for her, and then no one signal her to start. i was almost near to tears when i see her standing alone up there stunned. then i slowly signaled her to start seeing that no teachers are doing so, can't blame them, they were going nuts arranging the kids for next performance. ultimately my lil missy done well, she finished her performance nicely. she has the guts for a 3 year old. i don't remember me doing this when i was 3, i probably cried! gosh, she has done us so proud!

then she had time to rest, run around for the finale. the goodbye song with the a big group of kids. and that was it! the after concert was a bit havoc, cus all parents were like ready to race to the stage to grab their kids. luckily the MC did well, kept announcing to all parents that kids pick-up goes by age, do not rush and scares off your kids! hahaha... kancheong spiders all :)
overall i would say the concert went well, kudos to the teachers for the job well done, i will be always amaze how the teachers could train so young kids to do performance, and not 1 kid, but a group of kids. salute to the teachers!