don't they just look so yummy-licious? i feel 18 watching tiz movie i tell you, the love, the vampires, the romantic scene, the abs, the werewolves... wow. we all need to feel 18 once awhile kan? no harm what. hehe...
we arrived late to the cinema, think i missed out first 5 mins of the show or something. that 2 fella la, Q-ing to get popcorn & drinks, taking their own sweet time walking. esssssh! on my left, Rob kept whispering "gay" throughout the movie, and on my right, hubs laffing all the way, i think i shud go and watch tiz movie AGAIN! arrrghhh! though lots said that this movie didn't do justice to the book, just enjoy it lor. books is always better than the movie tie-in mah. don't compare with LOTRs or Harry Potter le, Twilight has it's own charm. enjoy it.