16 April 2009
08 April 2009

05 April 2009
wissssh whoossh...

next was the carousel again! how can lil missy not get a ride on it isn't it? its a must for her or izit for me to see her on this cute thing! hehe... this time daddy accompanied her as i told him i will go dizzy if im up there. as usual, she was smiling & giggling till eye kenot see already. after carousel, we walked around till lil missy dozed off & straight away we went to wongkok char chan teng to have lunch. a peaceful 1 hour + lunch. bliss!

reached home nearly 6pm, clean a bit, rest a bit then meet up with BIL for dinner. so that's about our weekend. luckily we are going back to malacca this coming weekend, if not, seriously don't know where to go besides shopping malls. haha. hmmm... i shud try to go to the zoo, the butterfly park, aquaria klcc or... i duno... anywhere other than the malls? anyone wanna plan anything? an outing or something? hehe...
04 April 2009
zee avi @ kokokaina

if you are like me, who loves a little bit of jazzy kinda songs like norah jones, give zee a check. no regrets. hope her debut album will be available here at our stores in malaysia cus she was signed up by a US record company, an independent label. looking forward to her album.
02 April 2009
less than 100s tag
001. Name → irene
002. Nickname(s)→ lawyer buruk or mak nenek (wen i was a kid lah!)
004. Zodiac sign → libra
005. Male or female → female
006. Elementary → 2 years
007. Middle School → SRK Convent Infant Jesus, Melaka
008. High School → SM Infant Jesus Convent, Melaka
009. College School → Taylor's School of Hotel Mgmt, KL
009b. University → none
010. Hair color → black
011. Long or short → short
012. Loud or Quiet → half2
013. Jumpers or Jeans → jeans
014. Phone or Camera → phone
015. Health freak → not really
016. Drink or Smoke? → neither
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → yes, mike he jun xiang
018. Eat or Drink → eat
019. Piercings → ears
020. Tattoos → yes
023. First piercing → when i was 12 i think
024. First best friend → during secondary school till now
025. First award → don't think so...
026. First crush → Take That - Gary Barlow!
027. First pet → a pair of hamsters
028. First big vacation → bangkok
030. First big birthday → 1 year old?
049. Eating → nothing
050. Drinking → jasmine green tea
052. I'm about to → go wee2
053. Listening to → mix.fm
054. Plans for today → go home & lepak with family
055. Waiting for → for balik time
058. Want kids? → have a daughter, another 1 kid can tutup kedai
059. Want to get married? → married
060. Careers in mind → not really career minded, malas...
068. Lips or eyes → eyes
070. Shorter or taller - taller
072. Romantic or spontaneous → lomantic
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice arms of cos
074. Sensitive or loud→ neither
075. Hook-up or relationship → relationship
076. Trouble maker or hesitant → neither
080. Lost glasses/contacts → nope
081. Ran away from home → never
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense → no
083. Killed somebody → no
084. Broke someone's heart → yes
085. Been arrested → no
087. Cried when someone died → yes
089. Yourself → yes
090. Miracles → yes
091. Love at first sight → errr... im not so sure... haha!
092. Heaven → yes
093. Santa Claus → no
094. Tooth Fairy → no
095. Kiss on the first date → no
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → nope
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → ok lar
099. Do you believe in God → yes
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people → errr...
Passing this less-than-100-truths-tag to :
not passing on, most did already
01 April 2009
the 1st thing lil missy spotted when i wen pick
her up today, was my M&Ms toenails, she told me "nice nice"
a heart stopping moment happened on our way to work this morning. as usual i will be napping in the car while poor hubs gotta go thru the yucky traffic jam everyday. today, our poor car kissed the backside of a brand new Chevrolet! at first i thought it was a merz. nasib, it wasn't but still a chev, omg. the owner stepped out, came to check his car, my hubs went out, both gentlemen with their black sunnies, see here & there... then that's it. i tell you, i was so damn blady relieved. the chev owner was very cool about it. hubs was having cold sweat i think. but THANK YOU GOD, nothing serious! phew! why it happened? cus hubs ter-slept off... OMG, poor hubs!
here comes the Big Bad Wolfie!
He's back! He's back! He's baaaaaaack! And this time is at MINES CONVENTION CENTRE (MIECC) I am so going everyday! haha...

many asked why don't wait till the special date --> 11.11.2011 I also dunno leh , most probably I'm afraid that the hospital woul...
started the journey from KL around 11ish am right after we have our early lunch with my parents who arrived from melaka at 9.30am & bro ...
the day i found out that Hi5 was coming to town, i was pretty happy probably for the fact we have been watching Hi5 for the past 1 year almo...