you will never understand how im_ortant
something is when you finally lost it.
for my case, it is my my mini dell which is causing
me much _ain in the butt. u see. all of the
sudden my some al_habet just decided to die on me

_lease for GOD sake, hubs, can u _lease fix this!
its driving me nuts! _engsan ok!
can u already figure out which al_habet is missing from here,
which one i dearly missing...
sam_at le!
Good for you girl! It's teaching you not to use the samPat word too much.. :P
But life is like that lah.. We'll never know what we are missing until we've finally lost it... till then.. it's too late..
P.. come back P.. Irene is going bonkers ody... come back!!! PPPPPlease..... I PPPPPlead U!!!!!
haha..cepat hantar pergi service centre :P
what haened? u tyed too ganasly is it? ahaha!
lol.. i know irene memang ganas.. but this ganas until P gone??? aiyo.. Irene.. wat have P done to you???
I Ho•e Irene only broke the P on keyboard and not the other P••••• wahahaa...
Want to buy words above? •lease me! 3838383838
LoL what happen to the P leh? The next alphabet that will go missing will be Q :p
hahahaha this post so funny, kinda like need to use my brain a lot harder to understand what you wrote .. brain exercise in the morning, good!
oh...what ha**end to that *oor al*habet?
hahahhaha, you and your hubby so cute!
Eh..happened to me before. My old Dell laptop has this prob. But suddenly it cured by itself..haha. certain keys when I press, won't come out ler. You need to call DELL lah.
hahahaha!!! clement is so cruel... :P
Hope ur 'personal technician' has fixed ur "pee" prob. hahaha
personal technician... sounds kinky.
meatball... she started first... that "p" is missing? :p
sampat post!!!!!! but damn funny!
can kopek out the p and place back or not.. maybe something not right, the p cannot 'sot' when you tap leh ?
kesiannya!!! haha!!! what happened to the P, i wonder
haha mine missing before P. _pps!
P.. hahahha..where the al_habet fo anyway? hehe
same thing happened to my laptop. send back to factory and had the keypad changed. cost me rm2xx!!! regreted betul. shud have buy an external keypad to sambung to my laptop. also meantime, u can download the virtual keypad so u can click on the alphabet with yur mouse.
On our Dell, it is the M...
ive got PPPPPlenty to sPPPare.
want some??:P??
it's a PPPPParty over here. no, bigger!
PPPParade. PPPPesta. never realised how something so simPPle can be so PPPPrecious.
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