on the last day of the year, ofis was quiet, everyone was in a holiday mood. even my boss let me off early from work. so nice. i had lunch with 3 super mommies over at california pizza. it was so nice to finally meet paik ling together with jacss & elaine, the birthday girl. they were talking about labour episodes as ms jacss is due soon. listening to all the stories, im having goose bump!
then at nite, we celebrated new year's eve over at cookingmomster's home, same like previous year in 2008. no more energy to go "pekchek" in town with the whole kampung to celebrate new year with fireworks and all, which i think would be nice, naaah! too lazy!

we were just having fun yakking & yakking & eating non stop and i realised i only took few pathetic pictures. hahahaha... cookingmomster even worst, never even take out her camera. malas giler!
few days back, when i saw barbara's post on the zara sale, i wanna laugh, she so funny lah! then i went check it out, chaotic man. people really buy the clothes like they were dirt cheap, well it's not, not to me anyway.
then off we head home to melaka. i tell you, we have been going back to melaka basically every weekend cus it was extra day off. come this month, gotta go back lesser, stick to KL a bit. time to ronda the shopping malls again, hubs not gonna be happy when he read this! haha! all you mommy bloggers, come lets plan for a meet up, beramai-ramai!

then before you know it, the weekend is over & back to KL we went. today we fetched along my cousin brother to sunway cus he has way too many things to bring back to KL after his holiday. kesian him, so we send him back together with his new canggih desktop which we helped him to get it over on my mom's bday weeks back.

i really enjoyed my food, and the pricing was ok. not really cheap but ok lor. hubs was complaining so expensive, i told him we are paying for air cond and the scenery ok. haha! next time when im in sunway pyramid, i know where to go for makan.

hope you guys had a real good weekend, a brand new year, a brand new start. back to work, no more PHs de.... uuwaaaaaa! and back to blady traffic jam. omg. sien maximum!
What an awesome weekend you had, with all the food and trips. I stay put at home, lazy to go anywhere. Didn't know Zara got sales, else can go see see look look also.
Oh, Happy New Year btw :)
u r always very happening lady la..... beat me to it 10000xxxxxx
Happy New Year
i came across the new taiwan rest in sunwayP the oth day, must try it out one day!! u had a good holiday eh :D ....back to work la
Have a blessed New Year, Irene! I like your new spec, very stylish! Ya lor, no more PH till CNY... Anyway, wish you a happy monday, ok!
yeah..holiday over, folks.. now back to slogging and blogging endlessly!!! good times will come back again.. and before we know it, TGIF again!! :)
I kenot tahan u lah irene.. New Year already so sien... think positive lah kawan!!! Bring that sien out of your mind :P
Happy new year!! It was great meeting you. Since we work so near each other, we must meet over lunch more often. NO KIDS! hahahahhaha
Wow...you really get around. Havent been to Sunway pyramid for quite some time. Dont know the new things there :(
Hey..you are from Melaka right? You know whereabout is the famous perigi where people say will kena number if wash car plate there? curious
Wah..so many fun outing and gathering you attended. Sure miss holidays hor..hehe. This Taiwanese restaurant you went is similar to Fong Lye at The Gardens lah. I must try one day. :)
War..you had so much fun huh! And you went to a Taiwanese restaurant too. The foods look good but too bad lar, in Sunway. :D
Wow.. you did so much during year end. I on leave also didn't do as much.
Xian Ding Wei nice ah? I really should try one day.
Wow..what are great weekend new year..happy new year..
iishh...talking bout meeting up, sampai now we belum meet although we both come from melaka. next round we go back, lets have tea at http://www.demoments.net/blog/2010/01/03/perhentian-kuih-kampong-melaka/ want?
Your weekends are always so eventful and packed with activities & yummy food. No wonder u always complain sien during the weekdays haha!
Wow...you really had a good year end holiday. So happening!! Here's wishing you a happy and prosperous 2010!!
U r such a busy mummy....Like the way you arrange your pic in the blog. Happy new year...
hahaha...agree, you're such a busy mummy, full of "party" every weekend. :)
Love your new spec, look good on krystal too. :)
So happening lah ur New Year's eve. Got lunch n dinner appointments. :)
Love ur new specs! So stylo-milo one.
oh i went to the taiwan tea room oso in 1u, ok lah the food, agree with u not cheap and the chicken stew their chicken was so huge lah....so difficult to eat
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