the day i found out that Hi5 was coming to town, i was pretty happy probably for the fact we have been watching Hi5 for the past 1 year almost everynite till elmo took over lil missy's heart. hehe! lil missy has about chapter 1 - chapter 8 of season 8 or somthing, each dvd ain't cheap, but yet i still buy it for her. guess that's what we say "sanggup kan" for the kids. still, on & off lil missy will want her dose of Hi5. i must say, me & hubs really enjoyed watching Hi5 lor. their songs, their dancing, their story-telling are really entertaining, and lil missy do learn a thing or two from them

i normally win CDs, and now OMG... why you have to do this to me lah. and they say life is always full of decision, and for this, i have already made up my mind. we are going to cameron highland cus this will be our 1st holiday together as a family & for the fact, there will be 35 of us (and counting) whom will be going together, how could i not go cameron kan? hahaha...

still somewhere inside me, i wish i cud bring lil missy go watch Hi5 lor... sure she shiok habis :) adoi... kenapa ler maciam ni. now who want the Hi5 tickets? it's the RM120 seating wan leh, don't play2 :) i got 2 tickets to giveaway to anyone, email me, msn me, call me. quick!
Irene, my two cents worth? Cameron will always be there. Hi5 is like once in this lifetime.. cheh wah.. No doubt this is the new bunch of Hi5 but how often do they come to Malaysia? Cameron duduk there tak gerak gerak.. (If I were you, I'll choose Hi5). But since you going to Cameron, mail me some strawberries kay? LOL.. ^^
Merryn got point. Since ur hubs ask u this question..maybe he want to go Genting le??? 35 is a BIG BIG group le....
or after Genting go straight CH lor..
Cannot postpone yr trip ke? Too bad Gwen is not a Hi-5 fan..hehehe.
shan leo loves hi-5! and i would love to bring shan leo. but we are going up north for the merdeka weekend.
if i were you, i will still choose CH coz its not easy to have a big group gather for a hols! money can't buy such experience and fun gatherings! :0
Aiyo... decisions, decisions. That's quite a tough one to make. I know it's vy sayang to miss out on their live performace, but let me console u. Lil missy may not be able to rmbr much of the experience. So as long as she's got those DVDs to watch, that shld satisfy her for now. :) Btw, I prefer the old Hi5 mbrs. Haven't been watching these new guys.
Aiyak.... what a coincident lah, Cameron and Genting at the same time =( Ya, if I staying at KL then most probably I will get the tickets from you...
Hehehehhehehe... go to Cameron lah Irene. Dont cry buckets anymore. If it is Elmo and gang, then different story lah kan? ;P
WAH! U lucky girl! hmmmm...ya..hard decision.
Cameron! I was thinking to go to Cameron too during the long weekend, but hub said sure very jam wor. :( So, don't have any plan now.
Haha... should have planned that big family holiday in Genting... then can kill 2 birds with one stone, eh?
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Me chup! Me Chup!
first of CONGRATS for winning the Hi5 tickets!
btw, prob it's NOT exactly the BEST time to bring lil missy to a concert (crowded ppl) when H1N1 is still on the loose?
so maybe going to CH is better.
like slavemom, can always watch their DVDs.
i love the old Hi5 as well!
i like hi 5 too but still prefer the old performers!
You are super lucky....
hi, hi5 singing is very educational..
hi5 singing is nice!~ :p
So, end up you went for hi5 or cameron?
If I were you, I'll also choose Hi5. My gals love Hi5 and so do I!
wow..congratulations! go geng of u... my girl would love it too!
boo hoo apa macam, after yr cameron trip with the huge group, did u regret a bit missing the concert :( ???
luckily i never watch this hi-5 before...haha (no daughter & old aunty, what to do)
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