hohoho... Someone 'fatt hao' o. :)
hahah....he's very good looking. No wonder you likey....:D
if I was 20yrs younger.. I'll also be obsessed with you.
go ga-ga over KEL lah! hoo hoo hahahaha..
So "leng chai"...haha..sure go go-go-ga-ga.
:), you're so cute!
Ooh... so this is the guy whom you sacrificed sleep for LOL!
he is very cute leh, but why go and curl his fringe like that..spoilt everything liao! haha!!
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He's back! He's back! He's baaaaaaack! And this time is at MINES CONVENTION CENTRE (MIECC) I am so going everyday! haha...
hohoho... Someone 'fatt hao' o. :)
hahah....he's very good looking. No wonder you likey....:D
if I was 20yrs younger.. I'll also be obsessed with you.
go ga-ga over KEL lah! hoo hoo hahahaha..
So "leng chai"...haha..sure go go-go-ga-ga.
:), you're so cute!
Ooh... so this is the guy whom you sacrificed sleep for LOL!
he is very cute leh, but why go and curl his fringe like that..spoilt everything liao! haha!!
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