first it was BIL who stumbled upon this stall during his visit to oug for dunno what. then he bought a pair for lil missy. then next hubs got itchy, and went to that stall again together with BIL to look see look see.
after look see look see, this is the damage done. hehehehe... now i got same crocky with lil missy. paiseh le, wanna wear together-gether. hehe!
hubs told when they first arrived at the crime scene, it was like the picture below, full of crockies. after few hours, all sold out. keng man! its like going FOS buying all the rejected clothes, and this was going to a street stall buying rejected shoes. hehe... its rejected from factory wor, so to claim by the seller la!

i was telling hubs, nasib the last time we only
bought one from the crocs warehouse sale. anyway, here is us looking at ya!
hi irene, i oso have bought the hello kitty crocs at my hse' wet market... keke, is abit diffrent wt ur gals.... but both oso nice!!!
Aiyo...I'm missing this lah..huhu. The HK crocs are soooo nice. Look very genuine lah. :)
Yoooooooo... love the HK one, love the pink mom-dotter matching pair, love your last pic! *Jelesnya*
I dun have that chance to photograph like dat! Only William n Ethan can do MAN style! Congrats Irene.. finally jumpa jugak ur crocs :D
Like mother like daughter :)
Hey...i heard from someone that someof the croc in pasar mlm/wet market are real punya. Stolen from Original Croc shipment
huh? this one is from my area? which stall? there are a few :D
Aaawww....mother and daughter moment.
I saw a lot in those night markets but just couldnt get a nice one...How come u all manage to get so nice one...Envy***
I also want together gether with Maine *sobs*
So nice!! Jeles!!
Nice the kitty one...
I have a croc for myself too. Well...not croc actually...asadi. :)
Oowah... the kitty girls! Nice lah, wear same one (almost) with lil missy.
wah........u "sweep" a lot back huh..
how come i always no luck bumping into this kind of stall wan????!!!! GERAM!!!!
all below RM50 right?
dun worry.... they have more than enough for every pasar pagi/ malam.
haha ctocs. dork
i bought the white Hello Kitty for Zaria.. Cinderella Marie Jane for Zara, and also the sporty latest design for Zara too.
How much you paid? We paid RM15/pair.
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