so how le, when babysitter take MC? who is going to take care of our lil missy? i got to work & it's too early of the year to be taking leave (i feel lah!) so... that leaves my dear hubs! hehe... he volunteered himself, of cos-lah, he works from home! so hubs was the bbsitter for yesterday & today. & hopefully our original babysitter is better by tomorrow. fingers crossed!
hubs just mms-ed me this pic, after their dimsum lunch together with bro-in-law. my bil just came back from cambodia & got lil missy this liverpool jersey. so tomboy-ish!

Your hub is such a good daddy. Two thumbs up for him! The football jersey is really cool leh! I think I wanna go find one for C too :D
ask him FT take care krys lo...then u can save $$ n fong sam.
Wah no bad lah he volunteered. I already took 2 days off this year edi to take care of sick kids!
*shake head* Kel no need to work dy. Become full time father. Irene work enuf! lol..
Irene, today Ethan told me "Ethan go up, up, up and wweeeeeeee down... Unc Kel catch Ethan.. in Putrajaya!"
Macam mana? Bila can go swimming together again? hehehehehe....
I like looking at my DIL in the jersey! really cool leh! :D
she looks so cute in the liverpool jersey!
Hahahahaha :D How comes it makes me feel that your hubs is treating lil missy like a boy? Liverpool jersey and PS car racing game? :p
wah, so good daddy to stay at home take care krys...
Daddy is introducing all boy stuff to lil missy..better u get him a boy faster so that he can share a common with daddy..hehe :P
where got tomboylish leh. Very lenglui.
wei...better boost your gal with more vit c these two days leh.
She looks so cool in the jersey. :) Daddies are like that..hehe..playing video games with their girls. My Hubby is no exception. -_-
The good things is, you know your hubby can get along with lil Missy..hehehe..playing game some more..what a fun for Missy
Oh dear...bad weather. And your babysitter very good - wear mask. Daddy knows how to enjoy the babysitter job hor. Playing car racing with lil missy. hehe
gOOD JOB DADDY! Next time my mum curi tulang , he can come over to help me, ahahha!
first of all, the jersey is so way cool...i love jerseys and i've few World Cup adidas jerseys (so who says girls cant don jerseys?) hahaha...
anyway hope your bb sitter gets well soon so somebody is "free" from taking care of lil missy for the time being hehehe...
anyway your hubby is really great & sweet to volunteer...
With that kind of killer pose, where got look tomboyish? :)
luckily got daddy to take care of ur missy!
so good your hubs.. jaga anak.
Hi Irene, you got a real cute girl there.
No need to ask where she has her good looks from, ahemmm.
She's going to be a real beauty when she grows up.
You stay young and keep a song in your heart, best regards, lee.
sometimes the men can do a better job when left on their own.. i think yr hubs doing well. if you are at home,, he'll call for you or this n that many many times right ?
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