no matter how many times i wash, rinsed & soaked with hot boiling water, the top half part of the bottle is always oily from the milk stain. no matter how i scrubbed it each day, it will turn out same. im really wondering what the heck is like this! weird leh!
updated - this is a new bottle, just changed earlier this month, no matter how i wash, still oily!
mungkin different quality from bottom to top or top to bottom.. so, are u still using it?
hmm...have Kry been using it for long? I've also noticed sometimes bottle kind of thing have this kind of oily surface. Wonder why too.
claire :: yeah, still using it
mNhL :: no leh, new one, i just changed beginning of this month the bottle
Not sure. But I'll find out real soon. :p
did you try washing with some normal washing liquid like Glo?
Sure it's oily or is it just setam gathering from the hot water for boiling the milk bottle?
Otherwise, time to change bottle
I not meet such situation before. No comment.
i'm blind. i cant see the difference wor
I've never encounter this prob b4.
maybe u should change the bottle.
i say you bring it back and ask the seller..or email them :D
it's becoz u OCD Irene! Others cant see it, only YOU! :P
I oso dunno. :) Btw, I've nvr checked their milk bottles like that leh. U r vy thorough.
maybe you should call Avent and ask them to explain or return or exchange it.
err... never notice this b4 :P
did the number prints on top came off/fade??
Doreen :: nope, number prints still intact, clear, not fading. sigh. oni top part always oily.
next baby if you use breast milk.. lagi oily.
But honestly hor.. I can't see what you are pointing.
i can see the minyak part. if after using the pureen bottle wash still cannot get rid the oil, i think u got to call the distributor and bring it back.
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