it's about Perseus, a demi-god (mom human, dad was Zeus, the greek GOD) who challenges the Gods then. war between humans & Gods. very entertaining and cool graphic. there was also Pegasus, my favourite! hensem horse.
go watch, go... go... go...
it's about Perseus, a demi-god (mom human, dad was Zeus, the greek GOD) who challenges the Gods then. war between humans & Gods. very entertaining and cool graphic. there was also Pegasus, my favourite! hensem horse.
go watch, go... go... go...
He's back! He's back! He's baaaaaaack! And this time is at MINES CONVENTION CENTRE (MIECC) I am so going everyday! haha...
i remember clash of titans..when i was only 7 or 8 yrs old. I clearly remember MEDUSA.. the monster lady with snakes wriggling out from her head like hair.
So, lemme know new CoT has Medusa or not ?
Jeles sei ngor la...you always go see movie geh
Wah... every wk oso go cinema. Syioknya!
This one cannot bring Gwen so no chance to watch at the cinema.
i knew you surely watch this movie too hahaha...
we did as well last week, and it was ok-lah, but i find the 3D effects so-so nia...
your fav is pegasus? mine is medusa *grin*
i didn't like this, thought it was a bit short lived
God! Is that Medusa's head tht feller is holding??? *horrified*
I just watched this movie too! Incredible graphics! And for someone who's not really into this kind of shows, I kind of like it! :)
I remembered watching the old move too...GOD! I am THAT OLD!
aiyo! u so very the shiok watch movie eh? train the dragon oso i havent watch leh!
i think if i want moviews review, i shd just read ur blog..hehe
u r movie junkie like me but i dont hv the time go watch with hubby alone, so will usually end up watching dvd
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