today my mom came up to kl for a day trip together with my aunt & my cousins. my cousin bro wanted to get a more canggih PC for his design works for his studies hence hubs was the IT consultant for the day. my cousin bro proceed to low yat to check out his PC stuf, while my mom, my aunt & my cousin sis starts their shopping spree in sg wang. i took 1/2 day off from work to surprise my mom. hubs was already in chinoz waiting for me, while having beer in the middle of the day with uncle rob & gang who happened to come by kl today as well. i then rushed hubs to go off to low yat asap. i also bought some flowers for mommy :)
once we reached low yat, i called up my cousin bro to check out the situation. we then walked to sg wang & searched for my mom's location. they were checking out some clothes while i sneaked in nearby. hubs & my cousin bro walked in and behaved like normal cus they are supposed to be there. all of the sudden, i just jumped in front of my mom with the flowers & started singing birthday song. hahahaha! others in the shop was staring & smiling at me while i was dancing & singing like a mad woman in front of my mom. my aunt was giggling together with hubs & my cousins. every verse i sang, my mom said "sampat, sampat, sampat, and sampat"... hahahaha!

after all that, we started to shop. hehe. i know my mom was very happy cus each blouse or dress i showed her, she will tell " nice ah, u like it? buy lah"... wakakaka! that's not how she react to me le, normally. hehe. and my aunt, she is one shopping queen. we walked from shop by shop, she pulak run from shop to shop! fully utilize the time she mentioned. tabik!
i bought a few blouses & dresses which i hope i will wear, cus they are not the ones i will buy normally. hope to wear them often if not they will be sitting in my wardrobe for a long time till i give them away. haha! dang! after all the shopping, i bid goodbyes to them as they have a bus to catch to melaka. me & hubs then proceed to meet up with rob & gang. hubs & uncle rob then move on to check out gadgets & stuff while i rest my feet in starbucks with 2 other frens.
today was truly a tiring day. im so tired, im falling asleep writing this, and it's christmas eve already! woohooo... merry christmas from me again!
so sweet!!!
haahahahahhahahahahahaha ur mom really caught the surprise..
so happy u had a good time yday
happy bday to your mom...
and here's also wishing you a merry joyous christmas and may all of you be blessed thorughout this season of joy :-)
wah.. u so sweet one gah?? heheee
lol.. the other side of irene that i never knew... must teach ethan to do this to woo my future DIL! lol..
So sweet of you....:)
Merry Xmas!! are so cute and sweet lah. Your mum's heart melted liao. :D shopped again. :P Bought already must wear lah.
I bet your mum was too happy, surprised and touched... therefore, she was stuck with the word sampat :p Happy belated birthday to auntie! Happy holidays to u n family too!
Wah... got flowers, got song, got dance samo. This must be 1 of Aunty's most memorable b'day. :)
Merry X'mas to u and your family!
such a thoughtful daughter!! I am sure she is super super happy to utter the words sampat! muahaha...
Merry Christmas and blessed festive!
happy birthday to yr mum. merry xmas!
yur mummy must be very very happy!!...see, i always say daughter is the best!
Wow! what a great surprise for your Mom. Happy Birthday to your Mom and a Merry Christmas to you and your family
merry xmas and happy new year! mchyl
Wah, you so "lum" your mum, sure she happy lah!
Cant wait to see you in your new dresses!
Merry Christmas to you!
Happy Belated BD to your Mama. sweet o. :D
When I'm in a good mood, I will also buy things that I don't normally buy. You look so much like your mum eh?
Aww... she looks happy with the bouquet of flowers!
Both of you look alike ler...
Anyway, happy belated birthday to your mom. :)
Now I know.. the singing and dancing genes of Krystal come from who.. :P
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