but we the parents truly mesmerized by AVATAR. we saw it in 3D minus lil missy, went to watch avatar with uncle rob. it was truly amazing, perhaps for us movie of the year. hubs even told me he dreamed about it. hahaha... siao fella! u guys really need to go watch it. please.
on xmas day, we popped over to hubs' aunt's place for a xmas lunch party. as usual, every year, the house is fulled to the brim, with lotsa people & food. i don't have to eat it, im already full by staring at all the food.

lil missy got a christmas present too, from hubs' aunt. it was a electronic music keyboard. it has a little mike that comes with it too. she was so happy, she could not let go of the mike the whole day. we gotta think of so many ways to make her let go of the mike for us to pack it back. phew!

after our Xmas lunch party, we went over to pavilion to experience the pretty Xmas decor, which i read in some of the blogs. too bad we could not visit that place at nite, as we were heading back to melaka on the day itself. over at pavilion, we bumped into elaine & her family. what a nice surprise, as we were walking past the loaf, i heard ppl calling my name. was looking everywhere till i spotted a familiar face with a sleeping kiddo on her lap. hehe...

the mall was super crowded with people. we nearly went off after half an hour rounding at the car park waiting for vacant place, as we were about to exit, we found one. at that moment, hubs was getting restless, so was I. we managed to spend an hour or so in pavilion, got what i wanted, snapped a few pics & off we went to melaka

we also attended hubs' cousin brother's wedding in melaka. it was a family affair, we all enjoyed our self. stuffing ourselves with the good food

and lil missy was enjoying herself too, by running up the stage with other kids playing with the bubbles machines. gosh, the kids really caused havoc. haha... lil missy & her cousin sis, Ashley went up to stage as side kicks for my MIL too. she was singing away, while the 2 lil kiddos dancing away *faint* we were having good time laughing about it :)

i managed to squeeze in a session of foot reflexology together with hubs, bro in law & wife. it was good, paid to be tortured, but i still can tahan! then it was some quiet time with all those running about in home sweet home. wai kong seen here accompanying lil missy singing & messing around.
oh well, this will be the last week towards a brand new year. what have i achieved this year? nothing i guess. boo hoo hooo. oh well... a better new year for me & all of us in 2010 i hope.

Good morning. :D War...whole family outing. Great! Ouh..you guys watched 3 movies this week?
What Sherlock Holmes is not that good? But Avatar is really awesome right?
GEng! so pack activities....
guess the chipmunks wld be the best for kids! i shall consider it. but i wanna watch avatar too, but cant bring children along..sigh..dvd lor..
that's a whole lot of stuff you squeezed it!!!!!!!!!
u achieved nothing? u achieved great family sense lah kawan... not many ppl have that.. happy new year 2010 to you irene :D
Wow...had lots of fun activities there.
Happy New Year to you and family!
Wah, u really spent your holidays well.. so activity-packed. Eh, the keyboard looks very nice leh.
Wow...the kids sure love music. Future Superstar? :p
You got lots of activities there :p What a busy bee family! Happy New year 2010 to you!
wow...pavillion is so beautifully decorated for the xmas season...read in too but didnt get a chance to see it...haiyah!
wow 3 movies in a week..."more kheng" than us! hehehe...
glad your xmas was a blast!
Wah...so much photos and so many activities ler. Most importantly you spent alot of quality time with your family. :)
3 movies in 1 w/end? Geng! They shld give u a VIP card or something. hahaha
So good lah lil missy has no stage fright at all. ;)
Happy New Year to u and your family too!
Wah.. your girl is not stage shy at all huh?
And looks like she's going to grow up to be karaoke kaki also.
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