have i got your attention yet?
are you drooling already?
no? aisey... nevermind, i am!
are you drooling already?
no? aisey... nevermind, i am!

and requested mommy dearest for
full board of home cooked food
let it be simple, i don't care,
as long as it's home cooked food!

very early to go buy this
nasi lemak for his pregger wifey!
You make crave for nasi lemak again....last few mtnhs I've been taking nasi lemak lor....yummy again...
You should learn cooking from your mom! Sayang la, if you don't :p
Envious to bit... I missed my mom's cooking(exclusively for me one) after married! Your hubby so sweet, my husband tarak beli apa apa breakfast (with initiative)pun since married!:p
actually, should also avoid spicy food so baby will not be too heaty. Just some taboo...not sure if it is scientifically proven or not. hehe... But your mum's killer prawn really look so yummydelicious.
I had nasi lemak in the morning that day, and got cough & flu right away in the afternoon, looking at your nasi lemak is so sedap, will definitely got one after i receovered.
I also heard pregnant women shouldn't eat too much spicy food but I ate also lah when I was pregnant...hehe. The nasi lemak really make me kempunan already.
P/S: Hope is not too late to say Congrats!! :)
wow...u r obviously craving for lots of spicy food. i was like this too when i carried qiqi and she eats sambal from very young age.
Wahseh... like queen in the hse eh. Shld get preggie more often. *quickly run away b4 kena smack* LOL
wahhh... u really got alot of food cravings!
I don't have any specific cravings... hmm, my hubs is very lucky... don have to wake up early/Q up to buy me food. =P
don eat too much hor... later over weight and bb too big!! =P
Irene, another drooling post. OMG..I'm getting hungry again.
ok you got me...... i'm definitely drooling!!!
It's almost lunch time aand you make me hungry now..hehhe
makes me envy u.
i wish to find a sperm donor n get pregnant.......
really lots of spicy food there and yes I'm drooling...hahah...happy pregnant!
Aiyoh...so yummylicious.....:)
hey....congrats...saw your previous posts. enjoy your food, you need it and deserve it. :)
im soooooo droooling over that pack of nasi lemak lor!!
kenot come to yr blog for the moment, too much food poison :P
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