over the weekend when were we back to melaka, my dad tortured me. literally. my parents are true believer of chinese ways of healing oneself. i have been having pains on my legs, the joints & the bones. if i pressed on one spot, it hurts. dad says that my blood at my legs area are not circulating properly hence the pain. therefore we gotta make it circular in proper manner. how? make it jalan!

after my self tortured session, we went over to big jusco for our usual Sat day out together with my parents. we spend a few good hours over there just walking around window shopping. im just waiting for daiso to be open over there. still yet to open though. hmmm... when we were about to leave, we popped by to speedy video to check out some dvds. when it was time to leave, i saw lil missy carrying a barbie tumbler. i then asked my mom, why did she buy it for her. mom said, she did not purchase the bottle, it was given free by the lady in the shop! wahseh... lil missy oh lil missy....
while MIL took care of lil missy for the nite, me & hubs together with 5 other frens went & saw IronMan2 at a late night show. we finished our movie about 1am. should have continue watching IP Man2 but we did not purchase the tickets earlier, and the cinema was packed! after our movie we went for late supper over in a cafe in EQ hotel. it was one of the fren's birthday & the guys celebrated for him by throwing eggs at him. gosh, what a sight.
IronMan2 was really good. Robert Downey Jr was yeng! the movie was so good, look who decided to pop by in our office today?
adoi...that blue lack looks more painful than the Guak Sar
U very yau yeng ler
wah.. bila sudah transformed ah?
i like that massager la.. but dont do that so often, people tot u were abused by someone.. hahaha... .
Wah, I see ur leg also feel pain...I hope it works good on you after hitting massage...
What ur lil missy did in getting that nice water tumbler...lucky her...must b her killing smiles..haha
Last Sunday I also saw this Iron Man (the grey one) in toy department at Isetan MV. Many kids took photo with him...Yes, you so yau yeng there..
Wow, your dad is hitting too geng is it? I can not stand the pain ooi! Lately I feel my knee something not good eh, pain while I bend down, sei foh.
Ouch! Sakitnya! I went speedy yesterday... Must buy above RM100 only can get that tumbler leh... Lil missy is too cute la :D
wah....got special guest to ur office.. so nice.
Wow! I wanna post with iron men too. :D
Eh..first time hearing this method of healing. Hope you are feeling better after the "beat beat". :P
Wah...you are working in a cool company lah..always got "meng seng" visit you. :D
Aduh... it must be very painful lah, still can walk ah? Lil missy oh, jalan jalan also got free gift eh, so nice!
your dad hantam you until liddat ? Child abuse !!! LOL !
not yao ying.. but scarry!
No need to beat so hard la.. go for duina massage.
wah liao eh, ur off so happening one, ada mascot ironman somemore!!
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