this was final weekend back to melaka before trong trong chiang! waaaaaaaweeeee! can't wait loh! shiok nyeeeeeee! im very the happy, like a kiddo, cus all we did during cny is... nothing! hahaha... ain't that nice? but... but... lil missy will be all over the place. gosh! terrible 3 in coming!
we went over to our dental check up on sat after dropping lil missy & my mom over at my aunt's salon. thank god we did not bring lil missy along, cus the whole thing lasted nearly 3 hours. we waited for a bit, then i got in 1st for my cleaning, after that it was hub's turn. he told miss dentist to be gentle on him. i did that too. hehe! after we are done, we made another appointment in march for some tooth refill. yikes. i blady dread the sounds the equipment makes. why can't they make quieter ones? why must they be so noisy. gosh!
after our dental visit, we were so hungry. on our way back to the salon, we stopped by to pack some yummy wantan mee & char kuey teow, melaka style! yummy-licious!
after all that, before heading home, we went to buy curry powder for my office fren as i owe her for so long oredi. this shop probably exist for ber-abad already, by looking at the state of the place, but it sure smells good. the curry powder is fresh, siap got curry leaves some more.
the next day, we went over to dataran pahlawan, to walkabout with my parents, aunt & cousin. we end up in oldtown kopitiam to have drinks till late night. lil missy was showing no sign of tiredness at all. super active all nite long.
on sunday nite, we popped by at jonker street cus we were thinking that the crowd should be ok, better than saturday which can be a killer. lucky us, the crowd was bearable. the trip to jonker was really tiring according to my mom, not because of walking, but becos of chasing after lil missy. T I R I N G! my mom said, no more jonker street with lil missy. kenot take it!
Didnt getto go to Jonker st pasar mlm when we went last round. was rushing home. Get any angpow from God of Fortune?
Salute u.. I'll never go to Jonker walk.. eeeee.. the sound of the dentist drill is enuf to make my hair stand!!!
Yeah! I thing Jonker street is way too crowded for me. :D
Eiii...I hate to visit the dentist, unless NO OTHER CHOICE. And LOL on the jonker st. TIRING chasing lil missy. Good excersice le. Got any ang pow from the 'chai shen yeh?'
Jonker street? Hmmm...been there once only..hehe. I can't wait for CNY to come...we are going back to KL for CNY!!! sis went to melaka over the weekend and she said it's a great place. she thinks i would love jonker street so i plan to go later this year..heheheheh
My every visit to Malacca sure go Jonker st. How I miss that now, simply love the things sell there which is so different...
tooth refill? silver colour one ah? hope the dentist not giving u that, cause the silver element spoils health..
I still can't picture Jonker street being crowded... and what kind of stalls they have there. The last time we went there, it was like closed, nobody at all :-( Your lil missy hahaha... what energy bar did u feed her?
i miss malacca.. i wanna go again.. hopefully end of this year.. my kids love the chicken balls.. :P
i do get what your mum said...i always get the same feeling whenever i go out with my daughter as well!
How come ur mom's tired of chasing after lil missy? What r u doing? Bz shopping n looking ard leh. ish ish ish... hahaha
what's the top left pix on your jonkers street collage? Lala ker biscuits?
irene, where is this place u tah pau the yau char kuai, and curry powder? let me know, k.
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