poor lil missy had fever on & off for 3 days, twice we brought her to paediatrician, 1st time parents is like this lor, kan-cheong giler wan mah. her fever even hit 40.2c on Tuesday nite which really made us panic. we quickly gave her suppository & her temperature went down. dammit! tension! im praying each day, not to have this kind of episode again. lead a healthy life! take more vit C!
see how "slim" is my lil missy now. sigh
this pic of lil missy before the fever attack!
us in kampung, trying to sweat it out :)
work's been pretty hectic too. lots to clear as year end is coming soon, dept budget to use, raise this, raise that, do this, do that. all last minute. biasa-lah isn't it? i used to read somewhere that the ultimate motivation is the deadline, doesn't that ring a bell? hehe... in midst of all the chaos, i got myself a new book, cecelia ahern's "the book of tomorrow" to reward myself. need to start to read it soon. also a kawan passed me 2 tix to Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT for tomorrow, showing in e@curve. why lah have to be this far, now thinking whether wanna go or not?

Poor lil missy. No worries..she will gain back her weight soon. Your lil missy is getting prettier each time I see her pics. I wanna go watch This Is It lah..haha. :P
Good to know that lil missy is ok now.
War...just go for it. because this is it. :p
I'm sure she will be ok. She have a super mom with her.. she look so cute..
Hope all of you have fully recovered by now. Poor Krsytal, she does look a bit skinny now...but dun worry, she'll gain back her weight very soon :)
lol.. irene.. u know how to spell 'paediatrician' eh? i oso dunno how to spell that! fee weet! ahhaha..
ok ok. back to serious business. krys is still cute, though slim. but kids will get fatten up pretty fast.. just feed her banyak banyak after this.
take care and wallop all the vit c everyday!
oh dear...high fever over 40C is dangerous though. I know how you feel. When Aidan had dengue fever, wah....I woke up every hour at night to check on his temperature!
krystal still loks cute as a button, not too skinny also.
Did you slim down too? hehe... :)
Aiyo... got free tix, go la!! Where got far? It's VERY FAR for me to go there leh!! :P
When in the midst of war, really like end of the world kan? Yup, must take good care of own health so that we can take care of our lil ones. Still sticking to ur 'sleep early' resolution? :D
Get well speedy yah!~
Hey, Chloe has that blue Padini t-shirt too ;-)
Glad that Krystal is ok now. Me and my boys also just recover from bad cough.
Now weather is bad, get them drink a lot water and eat lots vitamin C.
Glad the girl is better already. So did you for the MJ thingy.
1st time come by your blog. Really enjoy it much. Jealous-nya see you got yourself C.A's new book. I baru nak beli The Gift from BookXcess this coming sale :p
Happy reading to you
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